Why did Becca send Jason Home on "The Bachelorette"? His feelings were complicated


Now that the dates of the fantasy sequel are finally here The Bachelorette Becca Kufrin has a lot of hard decisions to make, and that means sending one of his two men home before that. She takes her relationships further. But why did Becca send Jason home on The Bachelorette ? Unfortunately, she did not see a future with him, and she wanted to let him know as soon as possible.

For their date, Becca and Jason went to a market in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and it seemed like a really fun day. But Jason then decided to one day get some tiles for their common home in Seattle, and that's when Becca realized that she did not see each other. live with him and build a life together.

as if she had the impression of being uncertain, which is pretty relatable. After all, most people who have only dated someone for a few weeks can not ask if they want to spend the rest of their lives with that person. But the more they spent time together that day, the more she realized things were not happening between them.

By the time they met up for dinner, Becca had a confused mind, and after talking to her for a few minutes (and hearing how confident Jason seemed from the beginning), she took a few minutes to get away and understand what would be his next move. In the end, she decided that she had to stop things right away so as not to carry him out any longer, because her feelings for Garrett and Blake were much stronger than what she felt for Jason. .

In her interview In The Moment, she said:

I have a wonderful guy in front of me who does everything I want and who tells me everything I want to hear and who tells me that They like me and I just want to shake and say it's what you've always wanted, what's wrong? "

Later, she added:

Yes, I could see a future with Jason, but I could see him more with Garrett and Blake and I did not think I would say it this morning. I feel bad but I just know what's good for me. I fell for Jason but I'm in love with two other men and it's not fair to keep him.

Jason was visibly surprised by the fact that Becca did not feel it, and at first he even tried to convince her to give him another shot to see if his feelings would change. But in the end, she knew that things were over between them, and despite the fact that they were both sorry, it was just something that needed to be done.

It's for the better, because now, Becca can figure out who she should be with, and Jason is free to find his person, even though it must be such a difficult break for him.

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