Why did not you buy a Tesla Model 3 yet? Take our Twitter poll


2018 Tesla Model 3 long-range electric car, road test in the Atlanta area, February 2018

2018 Tesla Model 3 long-range electric car, road test in the Atlanta area, February 2018

We just named the model 3 Tesla Green car reports Best car to buy for 2019 for its combination of innovation, functionality and performance.

Like the other Teslas, the Model 3 is designed to be an electric car to ignite the passion of buyers. It's not just a car you buy that's good for the world by driving electrically; it's a car you buy because you can not resist it.

Tesla has even recently launched a cheaper, mid-range model for about $ 1,500 less than the original rear-wheel drive model.

DO NOT MISS: Green Car announces the best car to buy 2019: Tesla Model 3

We know that many of our readers are Tesla fans. In a previous poll on Twitter, nearly 40% of respondents said they already own a Tesla from one model or another. Many others have deposits on models 3.

Now that Tesla has reached the volume production of the car (without specifying too precisely whether this volume corresponds to the profit targets set by Tesla), the main question that seems to remain is why everyone does not buy it .

So, the subject of our Twitter poll this week is: "Why did not you buy a Tesla Model 3?"

The most obvious reason may be that even at $ 47,200 (and $ 39,700 after the federal tax credit), some buyers may not be able to afford it. Some may be reserving the long-promised Model 3 of $ 35,000 by Tesla, which is not yet available.

If car dealers have proven anything in the decades they were in business, affordable financing and low-cost leases can help many people buy a car. However, no such lease is available for Teslas, which may leave some buyers behind.

A third possibility is that after a year of delays for Model 3 and fragile finances, some buyers may legitimately fear that the company is not there to support their long-term purchase.

Of course, the last possibility is also one of the most likely for our readers: they have already bought their model 3. (Some may even have a second one along the way.)

CHECK OUT: Which car would you choose as the best car to buy 2019? Take our Twitter poll

Whatever it is, click on our Twitter Poll and let us know.

There are surely many other reasons we have left out. You can spell them in the comments or tag us on Twitter.

Whatever the case may be, remember that our Twitter polls are unscientific because our audience is itself selected and is usually too small to be a representative sample.

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