Why do Bono, Pharrell and Michael Stipe pay tribute to this woman's dead cat? | The music


First name: Mouse the cat.

Age: Dead since 2014.

Appearance: Immortal.

Hey, where's my warning for scary ghost cats? Relax. Mouse is not literally immortal, but it has nevertheless been commemorated dramatically.

OK, where is my warning for taxidermy? That's not it either. An album about his life has just been published, entitled Calle Mouse, that's all.

So where is my warning about mourning meditations recorded in adolescents with morbid atrocities? You misunderstood The album is not in the news because it exists. It's in the news because it shows just about every guest star you can think of.

Go ahead, impress me. Pharrell is on the album. So are the nationals. The same goes for Laurie Anderson, Jarvis Cocker, Jean-Michel Jarre and Michael Stipe.

Yes, but where is Bono? He is also on the album. He's on the first track, Message to Mouse, actually. He reads a poem that reads: "Suddenly, as awake / She turns her face towards you / And with a shock you see / Tiny, inside the golden amber of her eyes. "

Right. Listen, it's better. Jeanne Cherhal provides a beautiful song directed by a piano entitled Sans Ma Souris. Brigitte offers the woozy waltz Are you smiling ?, while Stipe's Nocturnal Mouse is a wordless complaint. Cocker's A Cat Called Mouse, on the other hand, comes in a whirlwind of Gainsbourg.

Sorry, but I only love death metal. Then let me tell you about Linus Ohrn's Tactical Reborn track. As you may have guessed, this is a 62-second death metal song. About a dead cat.

How is this dead cat so special? Perhaps you should ask yourself what is so special about its owner. Souris belonged to Sophie Calle, a conceptual artist renowned in her native France for the very personal nature of her work. Previously, she was best known for The Address Book (1983), in which she contacted and interviewed all the people listed in an address book found on the street.

D & # 39; AGREEMENT. There was also Room With a View (2002), in which she slept on a bed at the top of the Eiffel Tower and invited members of the public to read her stories at bedtime. And Take Care of You (2007), where she invited 107 women, including a parrot and a puppet, to interpret a separation email that she had just received.

All this is very confusing. Do not be confused. Despite the sad nature of the material, Calle Souris is probably his most accessible work to date. It's a really charming album.

No arty trick at all? No. Except that "Mouse" is French for "mouse", so yes.

say: "What a wonderful way to heal the death of a beloved pet."

Do not tell: "Usually, I just throw mine in the swamp."

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