Why does Meghan Markle wear pink so often? This theory may explain why


It's been just over a month since the Duo and Duchess of Sussex got married on May 19, but fans have seen a lot of royal couples since. Since they've been married, the couple has participated in a number of events – together and separately – and they all have one thing in common: Meghan Markle wears a pink, white or pale beige blush at all . And, as with many style decisions in the royal family, there might be some reasons behind Markle's color choices.

According to Karen Haller, a practitioner in color psychology, who spoke to the Daily Mail the Duchess wears pink to show how much she is in love and because she's calm. "She unconsciously communicates with the color that she is clearly in love with," Haller said. "Soft roses communicate the caring, compassionate and caring side of love … I'm not at all surprised that she feels that way given the body language between her and Prince Harry – and it reflects that by choosing the softer roses.

Haller also explained how to wear pink colors and other light colors could help Markle while she attends so many far – reaching events. "The number of high-level engagements Meghan has had since he officially became a member of the royal family would no doubt be very scary," said Haller to the newspaper Daily Mail ]. "As the softer end of the pink spectrum is soothing physically, it's the perfect antidote for soothing those nerves and relieving the pulse."

Although these reasons make sense, perhaps the biggest reason behind Markle's choices has to do with his all-new place in the royal family. As an American, divorced, half-black actor, Markle faced a lot of hatred when she started dating Prince Harry. So, in fact, that Harry felt the need to issue an official statement condemning members of the press and the public who were rude or aggressive towards her. There was even more controversy surrounding Markle leading to marriage when his family's tragedy escalated. Markle should by no means prove successful – especially not to bigots and enemies of the Internet – but when you join the royal family and become a very public figure representing a nation, you're going to want the things are going as well as possible, and Markle's style choices are part of that transition. The new Duchess is a strong woman who has made it clear that she wants to make her voice heard as royal, but in the weeks following her wedding, she probably does not want to do anything that could turn out to be a looking for attention, even if it is not and the accusations of it would probably be unjustified, anyway.

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Wearing blush tones, Markle is beautiful and appropriate for the events she's attending, but does not look flashy yet. Of course, we will talk about her outfits, but she gives the critics a hard time when it comes to saying something too negative. On her solo outing with Queen Elizabeth II, the queen wore lime green. You do not want to compete with that – and for good reason. Not only could Markle wear a bright red dress while he was near the queen, but it could also distract the queen's attention or prevent her from dressing with her outfit. The Queen wears bright colors for a reason: she wants people to see her. As Sophie, Countess of Wessex explained in the documentary The Queen at 90 (via Women's World), "She must stand out so that people can say" I saw the queen "." Do not forget that when she shows up somewhere, the crowds are two, three, four, ten, fifteen, and someone wants to be able to say that she saw a bit the queen's hat while she "

Like Markle, Kate Middleton also went with light colors during several of her first post-wedding events, after her and Prince William's nuptials on 29 April 2011. During her meeting with Michelle and Barack Obama on May 24, 2011, Duchess Kate wore a beige dress, and at Epson Derby on June 4, 2011, she wore a white dress with a cream jacket and beige heels and hat On June 10, 2011, Middleton and William attended a gala dinner and she was wearing a sequined Jenny Packham dress She also wore a white dress at Wimbledon that June.

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Soon, however, Middleton was back to wearing colors from across the spectrum, which will likely also be the case with Markle while she's witnessing events more varied and that temperatures begin to cool. (Plus, it's not as if pink and beige were really her thing before.) Since Middleton and Markle got married in the spring and started to pay royal bonds in the summer It seems that pink, blush and beige are both seasonal and new duchess.

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