Why does USA Today help Donald Trump Lie?


Donald Trump raising his hands in a shrug at a rally

Mandel Gnan / Getty Images

The newspaper's decision to publish the president's editorial, composed equally of misleading statements and absurd lies, is indefensible and embarrassing.

Wednesday, USA today published an editorial apparently published by Donald Trump. As if the president did not already have enough platforms to spread half-truths, conspiracy theories and sincere lies, the country's largest provider of graphics and graphics to hotel chains, has chose to lend him another.

The first two articles in the editorial, used by Trump to attack the Medicare for All bill (supported by Democrats) and backed by Democrats, are based on the fact that introducing this proposal would reduce the benefits Medicare for seniors, who are the primary beneficiaries of the current system. Perhaps aware of the president's poor understanding of reality, the editors who wrote this editorial have staked out the text of an unusual number of links that claim to support his various assertions. It is not clear that they read these links first.

In support of his argument that the bill would "eviscerate medicare", the editorials refer to a New York Times explains that, as part of Medicare for All, "the coverage for [current recipients] would become more generous "and" get rid of almost all cost-sharing requirements in [current] "The bill says the bill would" eliminate Medicare Advantage plans for about 20 million seniors, "without revealing that the same link indicates that Medicare Advantage beneficiaries would simply be integrated into the new plan. God's love, when Trump "As a candidate, I promised that we would protect the coverage of patients with pre-existing conditions," he said. Washington Post fact-checking article detailing the diligent efforts of the administration to l & # 39; eliminate. Here is his kicker:

In the absence of explanation or warning, the President now supports an effort to cancel the provisions allowing millions of people to purchase insurance at an affordable price. So, this new position, directly contradicting his repeated position as a candidate and as president, qualifies as a flip-flop.

In his third and final section, the editorial goes from a "misguided policy debate" to a "discussion topic for Batshit Trump's rally, but slightly modified for grammar". This paragraph, made up of only Tucker Carlson bingo squares, is a representative example:

Today's democratic party is for socialism with open borders. This radical agenda would destroy American prosperity. According to his vision, the costs will become uncontrollable. Taxes will skyrocket. And Democrats will seek to cut the budgets of Medicare, Social Security and Seniors' Defense.

On several occasions, he said the Democrats hoped to model the US economy on that of Venezuela and would put an end to the application of US immigration laws. Curiously, throughout this section, the authors abandon their previous practice of providing evidence to support their conclusions. It's almost as if such evidence did not exist.

At this point, we all know that the President is an unbalanced serial liar who literally invents things for applause. Because the First Amendment exists, there is no way to prevent it from doing so. But the publication of this embarrassing collection of senseless waves – and his "opinion" plan, as there was no distinction between faith-based disagreements based on facts and lies completely. absurd, whitewash its classic dishonesty through a way that readers depend on for independence and objectivity. USA today failed in the most basic work of the free press, which consists in checking the declarations of the elected officials, and informing the Americans when these elected officials are filled with crap.

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