Why Donald Trump's presidency made Chelsea Handler a "great" person


Chelsea Handler says she's actually become a "nicer" person since Donald Trump was elected president.

During "overtime" the "Real time with Bill Maher" Friday night, the comedian explained how the fact that Trump is at the White House has influenced it positively.

"I became a nicer and kinder person because of Donald Trump's election and his hatred," Handler said. "For example, I'm kind to people I'd never noticed before because I thought to myself: Oh my God, that's what happens if you're not careful to others around you. "

"Get out of your own way and pay more attention to those around you," she added. "Because I'm nicer and kind, I'm fine."

Maher asked Handler to express himself on the "right-wing media" by using it to "enrage their base". Handler responded that she did not "care" for what these people have to say, before talking about some of the obnoxious things that people are saying about her online.

"I think everyone should put their bad energy on the outside because that way it's saved," Handler told the panel. "In the end, it will become a time when we will tackle this behavior, not through the freedom of expression, but through other legislation."

Maher and Handler also teamed up to fight Trump's ploy to stop a "caravan" of Central American migrants seeking asylum in the United States. Trump says immigrants are dangerous criminals who pose a threat to the country.

Maher and Handler have pointed out the lies and inconsistencies with Trump's statements.

"He said that there were gang members, lepers, people with smallpox, tuberculosis … It's that refillable cup of all that is bad," said Maher. "He said that Middle East terrorists came from there, why would you come from the Middle East to come from Honduras to nearly 3,000 kilometers?"

The late-night host, who called Trump "racist Paul Revere," added that Fox News reporters would once again follow the president's speech.

"Jeanine Pirro said today that there were pedophiles, career criminals and women drummers," Maher said. "Who is not in this caravan?"

"In the meantime, you've just described the whole White House," Handler joked.

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See the pictures
Chelsea Handler goes back to Tomi Lahren in the most epic way

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