Why getting a flu shot is crucial this season


SALT LAKE CITY – Flu season is coming up and doctors say you will not miss a flu shot this year.

In January, Time reported that the 2017-18 flu season was one of the worst seasons in the past 13 years.

"The dominant viral strain, H3N2, was a particularly severe form of influenza, leading to widespread and serious illness," according to the Time article. "The flu and its complications killed around 80,000 people last year, the CDC estimates, including 180 children. That's the highest rate of death in four decades. "

As a result of last season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is recommending that you get your shot as soon as possible. Health educator for the Utah Department of Health Rebecca Ward said that it's important to get vaccinated every year, even if you got a flu shot the previous year.

"The vaccines change based on the predominantly circulating strains, so last season 's vaccines may not cover strains that are circulating this year," she said.

The CDC reports that has a negative impact on your chances of getting influenza by 40-60 percent.

"We do know that studies have been done that influenza vaccine really can decrease serious illness, even if you were to contract influenza," Ward said. "It can reduce the severity of the illness and reduce the risk of being hospitalized."

The CDC has recommended that, except for very few exceptions, everyone should have a flu shot.

"The CDC is actually recommending to get vaccinated by the end of October if possible," Ward said. "Earlier is better than later, and there's no indication that you've got earlier. It typically lasts the entire season. "

Ward also mentioned that there are specialized dosages for high-risk groups like children and the elderly. There is even a nasal spray for afraid of needles. Ward said the nasal spray is available for non-pregnant individuals and those ages 2 to 49.

Ward also said it's a myth that getting flu shot makes you flu.

"(The vaccines) are created with a weakened form of the virus so it's no chance of getting influenza from the vaccine – that's a misconception," she said.

As Ward mentioned, the vaccines themselves are made of a weakened form of the flu virus. This helps your body develop the antibodies it needs to fight off influenza.

She also said that there are a few different strains of the flu, and vaccines are built to fight off certain types. Most vaccines fight off three or four kinds of influenza, according to Ward.

As for the effectiveness of the shot, it varies from person to person.

"It's difficult to predict the effectiveness of the vaccine," Ward said. "It can be based on how well the vaccine is matched to the circulating strain. Sometimes (the strains) do change and the vaccine is not as effective as it could have been. It can also be based on a person's status and age, so it's not completely to do with the vaccine itself. "

Luckily, flu shots are offered in a lot of easily-accessible places. Most pharmacies offer flu shots at a low price or even for free. Stores like Costco, Walgreens and Target sometimes offer the shot, as well. Time reported that, without insurance, most flu shot cost $ 40 or less if you can not find one for free.

The Utah Department of Health has a locator for places that offers flu vaccinations here.

You can also ask your doctor for the vaccine or contact your health care provider for more information.

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