Why grief is bad for the heart


Sleep disorders in bereaved people due to recent spousal loss may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death. File image: Pexels

Sleep disorders among people in mourning following the recent loss of a spouse may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death, a study warned.

Widows recently are more likely to suffer from sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, which can lead to increased levels of inflammation in the body.

Higher levels of inflammation can in turn increase the risk of heart disease, showed the results published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

The study found that the relationship between sleep disorders and inflammation was two to three times higher among bereaved wives.

"The death of a spouse is an extremely stressful event and they have to adapt to live without the support of their spouse," said Diana Chirinos of the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago, United States. United States.

"Add sleep disturbances to their already stressful situation and double the stress factor, so their immune system is more overactive," said Chirinos.

The study included 101 elderly people on average 67 years old. Half of them were in mourning (identified with obituaries) and the rest were in a control group.

The researchers compared self-reported sleep patterns by recent widows to the control group. Both groups had sleep disturbances.

The researchers found that the link between sleep disorders and inflammation was two to three times higher among bereaved wives.

The inflammation was measured by the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines, designed to combat short-term diseases, but related to the long-term risk of health problems, including cardiovascular disease.

Bereaved people are more susceptible to the negative effects of poor sleep on health, according to the study.


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