Why have the Dawn of HyunA and PENTAGON been removed from the Cube Entertainment label?


HyunA and E'Dawn were removed from their record company after admitting a secret two-year romance (Photo: Cube Entertainment)

The world of K-Pop is still shocked by the news that HyunA and E'Dawn have been removed from their Cube Entertainment label.

There is no secret behind why Cube stated, in clear terms, that it was because they revealed last month that they had been dating for two years.

But why would a novel between two artists on the same label lead to their being slaughtered?

Cube Entertainment formerly occupied Pentagon singer, E'Dawn and HynA (Photo: Social Image)

The reason why Cube took the drastic step of firing HyunA and the Pentagon group member is that they were dishonest.

A statement from the duo's former label explained that it was impossible to "rebuild the broken trust and loyalty" that had been broken by the secret of HyunA and E'Dawn.

'Cube Entertainment has officially decided to bring our artists HyunA and E'Dawn out of the label.

"We have done our best to work with our artists in etiquette in managing artists through loyalty and trust in our relationships." the company said in a statement.

"After much discussion, it was with great pain that we came to the conclusion that it will be difficult for us to rebuild the broken loyalty and trust between these two artists, HyunA and E'Dawn; as a result, we made the decision to release them from our label. "

Their novel has shaken the world K-Pop (Photo: Image social)

The saga of the moving story of HyunA and E'Dawn began in early August when a Korean site reported that they were in a relationship.

Cube Entertainment denied it but HyunA confirmed that they were in love in an Instagram message August 3rd.

HyunA and E'Dawn are part of the Triple H project group with singer Hui.

HyunA debuted in 2007 as a member of the former 4Minute girls 'group, and E'Dawn and Hui are members of the Pentagon Boys' group, but the trio played as a special subgroup for about one year. year.

The trio was promoting the new Retro Future song when the drama began, as fans noticed that HyunA and E'Dawn were tactile on the stage. Their last performance took place on August 4th on KBS Music Bank.

The couple confirmed that they were dating the same day, with HyunA tells the Korean media: "I knew E'Dawn when he was a trainee and since I became a friend after playing together, we started going out in May 2016.

"We started going out together after working on our music. We have been very careful about our relationship. Our decision to open our relationship was to be honest with those who support us. "

The two singers also told the Yonhap News Agency: "We have been dating for two years and they came together when E'Dawn joined HyunA's performance in 2015.

Triple H members (photo: Twitter)

After HyunA and E'Dawn admitted their relationship, Cube Entertainment decided to stop the promotion of Triple H and canceled a fan signing event.

It was also announced that E'Dawn would not participate in the August 11th Pentagon fan club event, as good as promotions in Japan.

At the end of last month, Cube announced that E'Dawn and Yan An would take a leave of the Pentagon, putting E'Dawn on an undefined hiatus. As a result, the Pentagon would promote with eight members.

"The E'Dawn member will temporarily stop his career while Yan An plans to make intensive treatment and sufficient rest his top priority, before his (musical) career, for health reasons," said Yonhap News.

The fallout of the news was fast, many Korean fans angry and asked for explanations to the agency.

As a result, Cube Entertainment announced that Triple H had ended its TV promotions for the song and had even canceled a fan event.

Opinions on the issue of dating are shared between Korean and foreign Pentagon fans.

A fan of Korean fans to foreign fans has been posted on Twitter by Pentagon fan @daengiegu to explain the situation.

According to Korean fans, they are not mad at E'Dawn and HyunA, but said, "We are angry at the way he has responded to this situation."

They said that E'Dawn should have posted something about the relationship in the Pentagon fan club, adding, "Is there even?

E'Dawn and HyunA have been expelled from their agency (Photo: Instagram)

"We are sorry that Triple H was half trained for the relationship between E'Dawn and HyunA, and that they have failed to preserve their private and public lives," said the fans.

They added: "We want to know if he has received the consent of all other Pentagon members for officially revealing his relationship".

Korean fans also asked many questions about the Pentagon fan café and demanded that Cube Entertainment explain it.

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"Is it true that Cube Ent. did not know their relationship while Triple H was working on two albums?

They also sought the advice of Cube Entertainment and E'Dawn on the "mental and financial damage … the universe received over the past two years because of HyunA and E'Dawn."

E'Dawn wrote a letter to fans last week, apologizing for the events and telling them that they were missing.

The news of their departure from Cube Entertainment has not been well received by foreign fans, who have started an online petition. The petition has more than 89,000 signatures, at the time of writing.

The "fans" demand that E'Dawn be removed from the Pentagon. Sign this petition to make sure he stays in the Pentagon !! He does not deserve all this hate and he should not be treated like that. If E'Dawn is happy with Hyuna, then we should all be happy for them, "reads the petition.

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