Why is Sophie Turner's "Dark Phoenix" the cathartic release of female rabies that we need now?


Like so many other women today, I feel incredibly angry. Thursday's hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, where the testimony of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and his accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, was heard, left many women angry . The real consequences of anyone's appointment to the supreme court of the country are very serious. So it may seem a little mundane to link audiences to, for example, a movie showing on the same day. But art is a mirror for the world. So when the new trailer for the upcoming X-Men movie Dark Phoenix struck yesterday, the similarities between her main character and how many real women are currently feeling were apparent. Female rabies is unleashed and she does not go away.

Dark Phoenix, featuring The iron ThroneSophie Turner, as a telekinetic mutant Jean Gray, is inspired by the "Dark Phoenix" saga of the X-Men comics. In the comics, the Phoenix is ​​a super powerful force of the universe that merges with Jean Gray while she is on a mission in space. The force ends up corrupting her and uses her incredible psychic powers to become the Dark Phoenix. But like the trailer for Dark Phoenix, and the events of X-Men Apocalypse suggest, the films take a somewhat different concept of "alien bodysnatcher" and make the Dark Phoenix more connected to Jean's inner psyche and a manifestation of his suppressed powers than it is in books.

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Part of the story of Dark Phoenix was also presented in 2006 X-Men: The Final Clash. The opening scene of this film finds a young teacher X and Magneto visiting a young Jean Gray and inviting him to school Xavier's gifted youngsters. Even in this film, Professor X, played by Patrick Stewart, complains about not knowing if he can teach Jean how to control his psychic abilities. In apocalypseHowever, it is at the insistence of the Professor that John released all his inner power, which is ultimately what overcame their enemy, and gave a hint of Phoenix inside. 39; it.

But it sounds, in this new trailer, as if Professor X did not always have in mind Jean's interests. "I had to keep her steady," he says. "I protected it." The anxiety of the other characters, including Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique and Michael Fassbender's Magneto, and the sequence of events in the trailer suggest that Professor X psychically removes Jean's true talent and that years' worth of his work. choking lead to an explosion of power.


Angry rage? Men oppressing the real potential of women, sometimes "for their own good"? The cathartic release of years of emotional suffocation? If the Dark Phoenix is ​​not a perfect metaphor for the #MeToo and #TimesUp era, I do not know what it is. Women are angry and there is a lot to complain about. As TIME Writer Stephanie Zacharek says it so well: "You do not have to be a woman to find something angry. But if you are a woman, you feel so angry that there is simply not enough hours of the day to contain everything. "Zacharek's article does not concern one, but three new books dealing with our current political climate and the resulting female rabies.

However, you read or watch the Dark Phoenix saga – as you see her manifestation in John as turning her into a villain rather than a hero, anger and her causes are definitely in the minds of women right now. We have been told for so long not to become emotional, to stifle our feelings and to let go of the bad things. But not more


After looking at the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, there is much to complain about how Christine Blasey Ford was treated by her interlocutors, how all women are treated when they accuse of sexual assault and how the criminal The justice system does not take sexual crimes seriously. Despite these facts and despite his traumatic experiences, Dr. Ford behaved with calm, politeness and courtesy, with a reasonable level of head, and did not once raise his voice. She apologized several times and talked about her attempts to be "collegiate".

By the way, Kavanaugh was shown visibly angry, shouted and acted aggressively throughout his part of the day. Ford did not allow himself to explode, indeed the committee would not have taken it seriously if that was the case; Emotional women are often described as hysterical. It would have damaged his credibility with this voting body. But women across the country are bursting in her name. Elizabeth Renzetti of The Globe and Mail Yesterday wrote: "We now have the impression that a dam has broken out, as if the women who had been holding this rage and humiliation for decades were so exhausted by the stress that they can no longer be mastered. "

Telekinesis as described in the comics is not real and we do not have psychic abilities. But women who remember their abuse are definitely superheroes and we all have the ability to fight against the systematic suppression of our own power. As John says in the trailer, "They are right to fear me". We are all a phoenix now, emerging from the ashes.

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