Why is this dietitian completely against the keto diet?


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<p><em>Photo: Mitshu / Getty Images</em></p>
<p>The keto diet takes the fashionable diet arena. People are turning to the diet to lose weight, and some people think that it can also help treat a whole host of health problems. But even if you know someone who swears by that, as a dietitian focused on healthy and delicious food, I've never been able to tolerate such an extreme diet (what about it?) either used as a lifestyle or as a time-limited diet to "reset"). (Related: Is the Keto diet bad for you?)</p>
<p>Here's a dive into this high-fat diet with virtually no carbs or sugars, and why I'm not a fan.</p>
<h3>He takes pleasure in the food.</h3>
<p>For me, food is a fuel, but you also have to enjoy it. I just can not forget the fact that many keto recipes (and I've developed a lot of them) do not leave me satisfied – and all the high-fat alternatives and ingredients tend to give me clients) a stomach ache. The keto diet is more like a "medicine" for the body to trigger a process (ketosis – using fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates) rather than the pleasure of consuming it.</p>
<p>But this is not just the flavor factor. This high fat, moderate protein, and very low carbohydrate diet (usually 70-75% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carbohydrate) can actually leave you physically unwell, especially at the beginning. After a week or two of diet, you enter a complete ketosis. But until you arrive there, symptoms such as extreme fatigue (the feeling that you can not get up from bed) and the "flu" keto can occur. The "flu" keto is the moment when your body adapts to the use of ketones as energy, which can give you nausea, headaches and a foggy head.</p>
<h3>This prepares you for failure.</h3>
<p>To maintain ketosis, you must continue to follow a very low carbohydrate diet. Although each person's carbohydrate threshold differs slightly (what you determine over time), this diet simply leaves no room for flexibility – it's a plan to which you must comply with any never. (No 80/20 balance here!)</p>
<p>This can be difficult for people who need a day of "cheating", but it can also have a negative effect on the diet. In a typical diet plan, when you leave for a day or two, you just have to get back on your feet and start over. With keto, it's more than that: you have to start from scratch to get back into the state of ketosis, which can take a few days or weeks. It can really make you feel bad about yourself and have a psychological impact on your well-being and self-esteem. (Related: Why you should give up restrictive diets once and for all)</p>
<h3>This makes cooking really difficult.</h3>
<p>If you are a protein lover, you may think that this diet is for you considering all the other foods that are eliminated. But the diet requires that proteins account for 20 to 25% of total calories – so, eating too much eggs or chicken breasts can allow you to easily exceed that amount of protein. (Related: 8 common mistakes in the Keto diet, you could be wrong)</p>
<p>And say goodbye to eating all the low-carb veggies you want – because every gram of carbs counts and you have to calculate it, or you'll fall out of ketosis. Most keto recipes do not contain more than 8 grams of carbohydrate per serving (and even things like dried herbs can add 1 or 2 grams of carbohydrates).</p>
<p>Conclusion: If you do not measure and calculate exactly each food and ingredient, you will not be able to develop or maintain ketosis. And who wants to sit and measure everything? Again, this diet eliminates the pleasure of cooking and eating. (Related: I had Keto meals delivered to see if sticking to the diet was easier)</p>
<h3>This leaves you running out of nutrients.</h3>
<p>Many have lost weight with the keto diet, but this is not a surprise. If you cut processed foods and limit your carbohydrates and protein, it is very difficult to eat fat alone. Think about olive oil or butter: how much can you absorb? People with ketosis have a decreased appetite due to the presence of larger amounts of ketones in the blood, which can also lead to weight loss. But that does not mean you are doing it right.</p>
<p>A balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, proteins, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, lets you choose from the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. You can do this with a low calorie diet * and * to lose weight successfully. However, in the keto diet, cereals, legumes and fruits are virtually eliminated (berries, watermelon and apples are allowed sparingly). These food groups provide a ton of nutrients, including fiber, phytonutrients and antioxidants such as vitamins A and C. Keto diets are also known for their constipation due to lack of fiber in their diet. (For your information, here are the supplements you should take if you are following a keto diet.)</p>
<p>There are also problems with electrolytes, including sodium, potassium and magnesium. During ketosis, your kidneys excrete more sodium and water, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, the lack of glycogen (or stored glucose) means that the body stores less water. That's why it's important to drink plenty of fluids when you're on keto and you need to add a lot of sodium to your dishes.</p>
<p>There is no long-term study of what happens to the kidneys, or the body in general, if you stay in ketosis for a long time, or even if you choose to follow the diet at regular intervals or not. (Related: More science suggests that the Keto diet is not really healthy in the long run)</p>
<h3>Here is the bottom line.</h3>
<p>With all the side effects and complications of this diet, I am really surprised by the popularity that he has gained – it is so unhealthy and unappetizing in many ways. (Not to mention the fact that it's hard to get into ketosis, which means that a lot of people do not even really accomplish it.)</p>
<p>For those customers who want to put their eating habits in order, I will recommend a balanced and nutritious diet on a restrictive and potentially dangerous diet filled with red flags every day.</p>
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