Why James Gunn's "Suicide Squad" is good for everyone except Marvel


The screenwriter / director of "Guardians of the Galaxy" moves to Warner Bros. after being fired from Marvel.

Not happy to shoot Joss Whedon from the first two Avengers movies to work on Justice League, Warner Bros. has attracted another Marvel alumnus – James Gunn, sacked – for it's reworking the Suicide team Next, write and potentially direct the second movie to showcase the super-criminal team. It's a couple that is almost certain to work.

In many ways, Suicide team is the perfect property for Gunn in DC. After all, he has already told a variation of this story in his book Guardians of the Galaxy movies; This should not surprise anyone who has seen the first installment of this franchise in 2014 that Gunn is interested in the story of a group of disparate wellbeing coming together despite their differences to save the day almost in spite of themselves. If something, Suicide team is probably more in keeping with Gunn's sensibility, because nothing in the history of the comic strip of the property asks the protagonists to learn how to become heroes. They are literally bad guys who end up doing what is right against their will, under the duress of the US government, their own interest and the threat of their head exploding if they do not do the right thing.

This is not something that has escaped those who manipulated the Suicide Squad in the comic book, with Rob Williams – who has written the series since 2016 – who tweeted the following after the announcement of the news:

Gunn also inherits a series of films that, like the non-super heroic movie Impossible mission films, is built to allow (or, perhaps, reward) reinvention and recreation with each successive film. The squad is not the family of fortune of the Guardians of Marvel; in theory, at least, it's a mission-specific group where the only constant must be Amanda Waller, who pulls the strings behind the scenes – and, in reality, who would not you want Viola Davis to come back after the first movie? (Even Rick Flag, the ostensible leader of the first film crew, is not a constant in the comic book's mythology, he was killed twice, although both cases were later canceled by later scenarios Sorry, Joel Kinnaman.)

What Gunn inherits from the first film, David Ayer, is more or less a blank sheet, the cliffhanger ending in the first film being either totally ignored – does anyone really hope to see Jared Leto's Joker again, especially with Leto playing Morbius for Sony? – or wrapped in Margot Robbie's product Birds of prey In 2020, Robbie resumes his role in Harley Quinn, completely separated from the Suicide Squad team. All he really has to do is the very simple and very flexible format of "Bad Guys forced to do things for the greater good, maybe" which is the main idea of ​​ownership in all the versions so far.

This "maybe" could offer a lot of potential if Gunn wanted to pursue it; the morally dubious and politically cloudy element of many of the Suicide team The comic book missions were a totally unexplored area in the original movie and offer a lot of stories if Gunn seeks to make a statement about the post-Marvel genre.

Gunn could also do a number of Team comic fans will be delighted to add one of the pillars of the various comics, be it Bronze Tiger, Nightshade or Vixen. (If he wants to be particularly ambitious, he could even add icons Superman the bad general Zod, who was briefly part of the group in the current race … but that did not go too far for the people involved.)

Gner on board also gives Warner Bros. an unexpected opportunity to appear … well, cooler than Marvel in the eyes of many fans. Disney's decision to send the director on tweets from years before working for Marvel – and his failure to backtrack to the fan-driven outcry – was a strange thing since most of the fans de Marvel seemed to have been upset about the studio's decision making in an unusually blunt way. The signature of Warner Bros. could give the impression that this studio is more daring – or at least, less likely to yield to reactionary forces and more inclined to defend creative talents.

In the end, James Gunn taking control of the Suicide team Property is an idea that has more and more sense as it is considered lengthy, exploiting their respective strengths and giving to Warner Bros. the opportunity to take advantage of a rare Marvel failure to reinforce one of his most prominent DC concepts. And after? The team behind the Captain America movies to take over the Superman series …?

Suicide team

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