Why Netflix probably does not give Luke Cage and Iron Fist a hero series to rent


Netflix recently canceled both Iron fist and Luke Cage, and though many have wondered if this marked the beginning of the end of Netflix's Marvel Universe, some have other hopes. Comic fans begged for a hero adventure to hire for the duo, and some thought that such a fallout was unfolding behind the scenes. However, a new report revealed that this is probably not the plan for Netflix, and it is likely that Luke Cage and Iron fist were canceled because their buzz was gone.

The recently unveiled data comes from Crimson Hexagon, which analyzed the social media buzz about Marvel Netflix's four major superhero adventures over time. The focus has been on the amount of Twitter and Instagram interactions for each of the multiple seasons of the four broadcasts. The data showed a marked decrease in the number of posts posted by fans on social media between seasons, but Luke Cage and Iron fist both had an unexpected fall from one season to the next.

If the social media data provided for Luke Cage by Business Insider well reflects its average audience, it's not hard to understand why Netflix has decided to cancel. The release date of season 1 has attracted more than 300,000 social media posts, which is actually the largest number of reactions among the four Marvel shows. Unfortunately, this same energy was not shared during Season 2, which inspired less than 20,000 publications on Twitter and Instagram.

The drop in the number of viewers is unusual for any program, even on streaming services, but it is quite disconcerting to lose ground with just one year between two seasons. Again, it is impossible to establish concrete correlations between social media interactions and the number of Netflix viewers. Clearly, however, far fewer people were invited to watch to see how Harlem behaved in Season 2. Even if these numbers do not quite reflect, this does not inspire confidence that more Luke Cage adventures are of interest to a mass audience.

Iron fistThe number of social media in season 1 is lower than all others, with about 120,000 posts on Twitter and Instagram. This is not surprising considering the controversy surrounding the kung fu series before its launch. Such mixed feelings could have led to fewer people proclaiming publicly that they were listening, even though they were there. Of course, the uneven reception of the series probably also played a role, the critics having been rather severe when it was released.

Iron fist also had a sharp decline as Luke Cage The second season of season 2 has inspired only 20,000 online publications. Although not bad, it's almost impressive Iron fist managed to collect the same amount of interest as Luke CageThe monitoring of, especially given the difference between criticism and public reception. Despite this, or because of this, the reason why Netflix considers that these series are ripe for cancellation is still very clear, especially if less buzz actually indicates and causes a drop in the number of viewers.

In simple terms, the audience also seemed indifferent to Luke Cage Season 2 as they were Iron fist Season 2. Although nothing guarantees that online interests will not increase Heroes for rent the data implied that there was simply not enough interest to justify such a risk. As we have mentioned, social media posts may not match Netflix audience statistics, but it is difficult to deny the knowledge and influence that social media has to offer. can provide.

As stated earlier, the study found that social media interaction was down for the four Marvel salons examined. Fortunately, the reduced totals are not as drastic for Jessica Jones or Daredevil. Jessica Jones has gone from just under 300,000 items in season 1 to 150,000 in season 2, while Daredevil has gone from a little over 250,000 in season 1 to about 200,000 in season 2. Jessica Jones"The decline is more substantial, but not too bad considering its two-year gap between seasons.

Unfortunately, the data do not allude to the way in which Daredevil at the start of the season 3. Data entry stopped on October 1 with nearly 75,000 Daredevil positions, however, which would imply that Man Without Fear is always more buzz around his last season than Iron fist and Luke Cage This does not guarantee that Netflix will not cancel it, but its chances of renewal are obviously better if the number of people sent in relation to it is higher than that of the canceled programs.

All seasons of Luke Cage, Iron fist, Jessica Jones and Daredevil are currently streaming on Netflix. To find out what's on TV outside the world of Marvel superheroes, check out our Fall First Guide and Netflix 2018 Premiere Summary.

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