Why NRA members lose FedEx discount


FedEx (fdx) is ending a group discount on shipping fees offered to members of the National Rifle Association, but that's not why you think.

A spokesperson told the New York Times This FedEx decision was not motivated by the mass shooting that took place Saturday in a Pittsburgh synagogue. A man armed with an assault rifle and at least three handguns opened fire inside the Tree of Life congregation, killing 11 people.

A review of the internal marketing program instead showed that NRA members did not bring enough shipping volume to justify their subsequent participation in the program, FedEx said. More than 100 companies were also excluded from the discount program.

Even unconsciously, FedEx has joined a legion of companies that have recently broken their ties with the pro-gun organization. After an armed man killed 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida in February, companies such as Delta, United Airlines and MetLife ended agreements with the NRA. At that time, FedEx had stated that if it opposed the civilian ownership of assault rifles, it "will not refuse and will not refuse service, nor will it discriminate against any person regardless of their position or political opinion ".

The New York government, Andrew Cuomo, has lobbied financial institutions to stop doing business with the NRA, an initiative that it says threatens to jeopardize its existence. He fought back with a lawsuit alleging a "blacklist campaign".

A recent Gallup poll showed that public support for the NRA is more divided than ever between parties. In June, 88% of Republicans said they had a favorable opinion of the NRA, against 24% of Democrats, a difference of 64 points. In 1993, there was just a 10-point gap in public support for the NRA.

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