Why should you always wash your hands after passing the airport security


The most sprouted and virus-laden surface in the airport is not the toilet, the check-in counter or the food counter. It turns out that plastic trays used at airport checkpoints contain the highest levels of virus at the airport.

According to a new study published in the journal BMC Infectious Diseases, conducted by scientists from the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.

The most common virus detected in the study? Rhinovirus, the virus that causes colds. But some samples have also detected Influenza A virus.

The report's findings highlight the importance of regular and thorough handwashing, taking note of editors and correcting the cough label – coughing in a tissue, tissue or pouch.

As part of this study, scientists constructed various surfaces at Finland 's main airport, Helsinki – Vantaa, during the winter of 2016.

Overall, scientists found viruses on 10% of the surfaces tested, with the highest concentrations found on the plastic bins used to filter hand luggage, coats and laptops from leaflets.

Viruses have also been detected on store payment terminals, stairlifts, passport checkpoints, children's play areas and in the air.

"This study supports the need to increase public awareness about the spread of viral infections, and people can help minimize contagion by washing their hands and coughing in a tissue, cloth or sleeve at all times, but especially in public places". Jonathan Van Tamion in a statement.

"These simple precautions can help prevent pandemics and are particularly important in overcrowded areas such as airports that transport large numbers of people to and from many parts of the world."

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