Why Tease Avengers 4 is Marvel Studios at its apex


Look hard it's all downhill from here.

Mark the calendar: September 19, the day after the release of the first trailer of Marvel Studios for Captain Marvel, the Russo brothers finally proved, once and for all, that Marvel is at the peak of his power with the photographic equivalent of Schrodinger's cat.

In one tweet this has already been loved more than 20,000 times, the Russos have posted a black and white photo that seems to show Joe Russo sitting in a chair looking at a laptop in a sound stage. "Look hard …" teases the legend – and the Internet was too eager to help.

Fans «found» four letters A forms in the picture – for the fourth The Avengers movie, of course – as well as a hidden message say "ENDGAME" (yes, you really have to squint to do that). They also managed to unveil a tease for a potential X Men project, the word "ATTACK" a Homer Simpson hidden and the Italian word for "month". It turns out that if you look good, you could find all kinds of things inside the image, which may or may not be the goal.

More than revealing something about upcoming Marvel projects – though, of course, it must have Something do with Avengers 4, right? – the response to the Russo tweet proves how strong Marvel's position on pop culture and fandom is at this moment. When a simple black-and-white image becomes Rorschach's ultimate test, allowing everyone to see everything and see nothing (Oh God, what if it's not Joe Russo but actually a disguise)? Thanos?!), it's probably a sign that Marvel is at the top of his cultural dominance.

It does not make sense that 2018 has been exceptionally kind to the studio, even compared to its brief but charming and incredibly successful life. Look beyond the box office recipes Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War if you can (of course, Ant-Man and the wasp, too, if you must), and fans can always indicate Black Panther and the first Captain Marvel trailer as signs that the studio is finally moving to its White Guys Called Chris format to diversify and bring others into its superhero club house.

More, Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of the Marvel formula in more ways than one. Yes, it's the ultimate expression of the idea of ​​shared universe, with characters from all interacting movies, and threads from all corners of the universe that attach in an unusual way, if not totally invisible, to the cinema; It's also Marvel's first film that ends in a pure cliffhanger, pushing even further the idea of ​​an endless narrative that the studio has managed so far. It's hard to imagine a more Marvel movie than War of infinity; it's as if she had evolved to her final form, the Pokemon style.

In many ways, the Russo brothers' tweet – and the fury it provoked – seems to be a snapshot of a moment already almost past. Will the current excitement and passion for Marvel still be felt in a year, when both Captain Marvel and Avengers 4 were released and, as real real movies instead of abstract containers of hope and optimism, they could upset and disappoint fans?

As the fandom gets more and more heard about perceived weaknesses and failures, it often seems that the anticipation of a movie is more rewarding than the reality of the finished product. Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Would it be as good as that for Marvel, and the Russos tweet a recognition of this fact? Or is it too much to look at the image?

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