Why the Irish border is the intractable puzzle of Brexit: QuickTake


The border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland has long been the scene of tension and violent demonstrations. Nearly two decades after the end of a conflict that claimed the lives of 3,500 people, the wavering border is again in a bitter division. When British and European leaders lead the split – the Brexit – that British voters have ordered, the border between the north and south of Ireland will be the only land crossing between the two jurisdictions. For the moment, the border is effectively open, which means that people and property are free to move. The most delicate issue in divorce negotiations is whether this remains the case.

1. Could Brexit mean a return of border controls?

This is a scenario – a return of customs controls, as well as delays and costs. But as cross-border trade brings in more than 3 billion euros ($ 3.5 billion) a year, we want to avoid disruption, especially if we fear that the return to checkpoints and watchtowers will not compromise the peace process of the region. Both parties largely agree that people and property must evolve smoothly. Possible technical solutions, such as cameras, drones and a pre-clearance system for goods are discussed. Until now, there is no sign of agreement.

2. Why is there a border in the first place?

The island was divided in 1921 as part of a peace agreement between the UK government and the Irish rebels in search of independence. As part of the agreement, Northern Ireland, where the population is predominantly Protestant, remained in the UK with England, Scotland and Wales. The southern part of the island, essentially Catholic, became the Irish Free State and gained independence in 1948. Today, the border extends from north to south, to the east in others. , over 500 kilometers. rivers, fields and even some houses. A change in traffic signs and accepted currency is pretty much the only indication that a person has moved to another jurisdiction.

3. Where are the negotiations?

In the air. While an initial agreement on the border was meticulously concluded in December, the problem has once again erupted after the EU issued a draft withdrawal agreement on February 28th. This text proposed a proposal for a guarantee – that In the absence of a final agreement on Brexit, Northern Ireland would in fact remain aligned with the Customs Union and the Single Market. 39; EU. This idea was rejected outright by UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who sees it as a threat to the territorial integrity of her country. The EU has since relaxed its position, suggesting the possibility of customs controls beyond borders, perhaps on company premises. The UK has also rejected it, with little movement expected before the Conservative Party's annual conference, which ends on October 3.

4. What is the proposal of the United Kingdom?

May proposes a blueprint for a new "free trade area" between the US and the EU, with closely related customs regimes and identical regulations for industrial and agri-food products. This plan, drawn up during his retirement in the country Checkers in July, could avoid a difficult border, but he faces strong opposition. Within its own party, Brexit supporters see it as a ruse to stop a clean break with the EU, essentially keeping the UK in the bloc. The EU rejects May's idea of ​​choosing the best elements of the single market.

5. Who else weighs?

The Unionist Democratic Party, the largest political party in Northern Ireland and an essential part of the ruling majority in May, is convinced that Northern Ireland will leave the EU on the same terms as the rest of Great Britain . The party declares that it will not accept any agreement separating the territory economically or politically from the rest of the United Kingdom On the EU side, French farmers have opposed an open Irish border, fearing that cheaper non-European imports infiltrate the bloc via the United Kingdom

6. How does the open border work now?

Companies can work on the whole island. Diageo Plc, a manufacturer of Guinness and other beverages, has brewing operations on both sides of the border and ships about 18,000 times a year. Similarly, the free movement of horses has helped to make Ireland a world leader in the blood industry, which includes running and breeding, adding about 1 billion euros to the economy. As far as humans are concerned, around 30,000 people pass through 300 different passages every day.

7. What does this fight mean for Ireland?

At a minimum, it brings bad memories. The border has been a symbol of British rule almost since its creation, with customs controls and later military checkpoints positioned over decades. The Irish Republican Army, which wants a united Ireland, led a bombing campaign along the border in the 1950s and 1960s. Violence between Republican and trade unionist paramilitary groups claimed the lives of about 3,500 people 1970s before the arrival of the European Single Market and a peace agreement in the 1990s, when border controls have largely disappeared.

8. Could a difficult border bring about the return of violence?

Customs and security controls would probably hurt the economy on both sides of the border, and could perhaps bring daily reminder of British rule in Northern Ireland. While the province has been at peace for nearly two decades, Martin McGuinness, former Northern Ireland Deputy Leader, warned a year before his death in 2017 that reintroducing a border after Brexit could help those who are oppose the peace process of the region. Other politicians argue that peace is now so deeply rooted that more than a few border crossings would be needed to disrupt the island.

To contact the reporter about this story: Peter Flanagan in Dublin at [email protected]

To contact the editors responsible for this story: Dara Doyle at [email protected], Leah Harrison Singer

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