Why the Raiders reported Martavis Bryant


ALAMEDA – Martavis Bryant was a free agent for only 10 days before the same team that dropped him brought him back.

Jon Gruden said on September 2 that catcher Keon Hatcher, who was given up by the Raiders to make room for Bryant, beat him alone. This explanation clearly did not have much weight Wednesday, when Gruden changed course to add the receiver who has not yet unlocked the potential of coaches and players of the Raiders.

Several reports indicated that Bryant was facing another suspension related to the league's drug policy, which is why the Raiders first broke up. Gruden did not want to say whether this led to Bryant's release the same day or whether his current status (he is not allowed to do so), offered a dose of optimism before Sunday's game in Denver.

"I think he's in a good position right now. I think he's in good health. I think he's ready to go, "said Gruden. "Sold on this subject. We have been in contact with him since his departure. As I said when we did the business to get it, when it's right, it can make a difference. We hope that there will be one sooner than later.

The Raiders traded a third-round pick against the Steelers for Bryant in the April draft, but Gruden was not satisfied with his consistency throughout the pre-season. Bryant missed several practices with migraines and diseases, and Gruden nicknamed him the "white tiger" because of the short time that he spent (Gruden did not see the white tiger at Tampa Zoo only once or twice in a dozen visits). from where the metaphor). Still, Gruden did not think the Raiders had miscalculated their decision to buy Bryant for a major choice.

Bryant is the Raiders' only real threat, aside from Amari Cooper, an important part of Gruden's attack if Cooper is out on Monday when he was against the Rams (a nine-yard catch). While Jared Cook and Jalen Richard have proved to be sufficient targets in the middle pass game, no one but Cooper can take over the defense.

"He is happy to be back with us, where I think he should be," said quarterback Derek Carr about Bryant. "I think that with us we can be there for him, help him with everything he needs and then he can help us win football games." We obviously know what kind of talent he is and he is so excited to find him and to have this threat of that speed.

"He can split double teams. Teams may try playing some blankets with him, but he is so fast that it does not matter. You make a misstep … he can be gone like that … he can do things that others do not do.

Bryant's tenure with the Raiders was fascinating, with the Raiders' off-season reports fearing an impending suspension of news without suspension for the duration of the Raiders camp that would have given up the same day for that exact reason. Without an official league word on discipline for Bryant, he's back, ready to play against the Broncos this Sunday because he already knows what Gruden's attack looks like.

(Jose Carlos Fajardo / Bay Area News Group)

For those who said that the Raiders had not included him in the initial lineup of 53 players because his salary would have been guaranteed and it is not since they signed it Wednesday, it is false. Regardless of when he is suspended, if he is at all, discipline is not paid. This makes it even more puzzling why the Raiders did not just keep Bryant on the initial 53-player lineup to play Rams.

Whatever the reason, his compatriots are delighted to find him.

"A fast player, a deep threat, will really take over the defenses," said Amari Cooper. "We are delighted with this. He is a guy who will really help to open things for us. "

"Just another playmaker, someone who is very dynamic with his speed and who can stretch the field and can make games in other aspects," said Nelson Jordy. "Just another playmaker who has put the time in the last two months through the off season and training camp, and it's nice to get him back."

Gruden said he would probably have been expelled from the team's plane if he did not keep Hatcher after his 128-yard demonstration and three touchdowns against the Seahawks in the pre-season final. As the cruel business of the NFL would have it, Hatcher is now gone and the player that he "surpassed" is back. Gruden is still there, not launched from an airplane.

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