Why this Felicity Twist is the change Season 7 needs


Warning: the upcoming spoilers for the second episode of Arrow Season 7, called "The Longbow Hunters".

Arrow is back for its seventh season and the fight against crime is no longer a regular affair for the good guys from Star City this time around. Oliver is incarcerated after an agreement with the FBI and becoming himself the Green Arrow, the rest of the former Team Arrow must find a way to progress. In "The Longbow Hunters", Arrow Delivering a twist of Felicity that is both shocking and quite logical: she's going to work with the FBI, and that could be exactly what season 7 needs.

Here is how it started. Felicity kept his promise to Oliver during the season 7 premiere to hide from Ricardo Diaz. She returned to Star City with the intention of finding him and stopping, whatever happens. Still in danger, Felicity was hiding at ARGUS and was trying to use ARGUS 'resources to achieve her goal. Curtis did not want to risk his job by letting Felicity get into his usual cyber-maniganceries, and Diggle wanted to stay focused on bigger ARGUS issues.

Normally, it might have been hard to understand that Diggle wants to prioritize ARGUS rather than find the man who ruined life and almost killed some of his favorite people, but it made sense in this case. The Longbow Hunters made their debut by stealing a battery capable of generating a lot of energy. As you might expect from ARGUS technology, it can also be used as a weapon powerful enough to level a city. Oh, ARGUS.

Felicity's attention to catching the Longbow Hunters after recovering the battery missed an ARGUS mission, and his assistance during the robbery of a train when an ARGUS team attempted to stop the Longbow Hunters nearly caused a disaster when Diaz got on the train. Diggle grabbed the battery, but Diaz was right behind him and Diggle asked Felicity to unhitch his wagon from the one carrying it. Felicity would not do it because that would have meant that Diaz escaped, and Curtis stepped in and did it himself.

Fortunately, Diggle and Felicity are two members of the old Team Arrow who can resolve conflicts as adults, so they blame each other for their disagreements during the episode. Diggle had a difficult discussion with her and it was finally revealed that he was not taking up the torch of the green arrow as Oliver had asked for as he did not want to let his family be torn in the same way than that of Oliver and Felicity.

After the train, Diggle watched her and Felicity recognized that the world had been safer since the weapon had been recovered, even if it meant losing Diaz. Instead of compromising her priority, however, Felicity simply said that she had to focus on capturing Diaz, and that Diggle was not the one who helped her to do it. She took leave of ARGUS and informed Curtis that she needed to find someone to help her. It turns out that someone is Agent Samanda Watson of the FBI.

In the last scene of the episode, Felicity sat in Watson's office and remodeled the agreement that sent Oliver to jail in exchange for the capture of Diaz by the FBI. As Felicity pointed out, Oliver is in the clink but Diaz is not caught yet. So, she told Watson that they were going to shoot Diaz … together. Felicity will work in the law!

By teaming up with the FBI, Felicity Arrow finally gives Felicity a bow in which she can be proactive and lead the charge. While the FBI will likely have power in the Diaz hunt and her mission is in her husband's honor, Felicity's mission to shoot down Diaz is hers and she is taking steps to make that happen. produce as quickly and efficiently as possible. Normal allies can not cut it? It's time to move on to those who can!

As an Overwatch (and prior to receiving this name), she has played a vital role in supporting Team Arrow, but she will not only be supportive in the Diaz hunt, and it will not be necessary to move to the second. plane facing the bow of someone else. Although his bow is almost certainly not the plot for each episode of season 7, he can present it in a new way and mix a series that is long enough.

The CW is neither CBS nor NBC, and not an overwhelming number of broadcasts only sprawl in their seventh season on the network, Supernatural notwithstanding. I'm still half convinced that someone to Supernatural make a pact with the devil to maintain it indefinitely. Yes Arrow becomes too obsolete or stereotyped, viewers may not be ready to connect anymore. This new era of Arrow under a new showrunner, it's a new field, and that's a good thing in season 7.

Some may say that Felicity's decision to work with the FBI is a betrayal for Oliver, because he would not be in jail being beaten, otherwise Watson forced him to make a deal. The reality is that Oliver made this case of his own accord as he knew that getting Diaz was more important than his own pride and freedom. Nobody tortured him so that he introduced himself as Green Arrow.

Oliver understood the need to call the FBI to assist the Arrow team five months ago. why would he not understand and support Felicity in helping the FBI meet its commitments? If anything, he should be grateful when he discovers. He sacrificed his freedom to capture Diaz. For the moment, he has almost sacrificed his freedom for nothing. Diaz is not just on the run; he has also recruited a dangerous trio of bad guys to help him out.

Teaming up with the FBI could absolutely speed up the Diaz capture process. We should also be able to see Felicity unleash with all the federal government's resources behind her. She will not have to worry about getting caught if she works with people who have already caught. Even though Felicity will likely not have the carte blanche to do what she wants under federal authority, she could have ways she had never had access before, even under ARGUS .

Teaming up with the FBI may also mean that Arrow will not give up any of the major bows of the season for time chips. Oliver at the prison arc, Diggle (with Curtis) at ARGUS Bow, Dinah and Rene probably have the new Green Arrow bow and Felicity can have the main bow of the Diaz / Longbow hunters. Laurel can go where the wind blows, as usual. These bows will surely cross each other and the characters will interact, but I can not wait to see how Felicity's story unfolds.

Find out what Felicity and all the others will soon be booking with new episodes of Arrow Monday at 8 pm ET on the CW. For other viewing options (including some varieties of superheroes), take a look at our schedule of the first broadcast on TV.

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