Will Bailey and Ben divorce "Gray's Anatomy"? Their marriage could be threatened


Like many fictional couples who started The anatomy of GrayMiranda Bailey and Ben Warren faced many obstacles throughout their relationship. However, their fight during last Thursday's episode of Station 19 made it clear that their marriage could actually be compromised. So are Bailey and Ben going to get divorced The anatomy of Gray? This generally solid couple is preparing to face its biggest obstacle to date.

The fight that has been going on has been on the horizon for some time now. For weeks, Bailey has mentioned the Gray & # 39; s how much stress and anxiety she has felt lately. That's why she chose to cut back on her surgeries and temporarily resign from her position as chief of surgery at Gray Sloan Memorial. And yet, even after taking all these precautions, she always felt anxious and worried. It was at that point that she began to understand that it was not her workload for which she was so stressed – that was the high-risk work of her husband as a firefighter.

Every day, Ben puts his life in danger for people by going into flaming buildings and putting himself in dangerous situations. It's because he's a good man who wants to save lives, but in doing so, it has unintentionally caused a major upheaval in his wife's life. If he does not answer after a certain time of the day, she fears that something has happened to her and that it is eating away at the point where she has to make known her feelings.

Mitch Haaseth / ABC

This decision to confront Ben became even more urgent after Bailey discovered a document from his insurance company that had implemented a benefits policy in case Ben would die at work. Add this to his inability to respond to his text messages and all this has spilled over, bringing Bailey to an unexpected conclusion.

"I love you so much Benjamin Warren, so much … I have the impression that we are both so strong, we have lived so much together and I know we can overcome that too." Bailey explained. "I need a sabbatical, I need to reduce my stress … I can not spend every day wondering if everything is fine … I think I Maybe I could get ready if we take a break in our wedding. "

And while Bailey clearly explained that this did not mean in any way that their marriage or relationship was over, Ben told him that he believed that, if they did, it was "the first time". step on the path to divorce "not what one or the other wants. But Bailey was firm in her idea of ​​sabbatical, knowing that she needed to take time for herself in order to feel better. Because if she does not expect it to come home, she will not be afraid that he will come home.

"I can not breathe," she told him in a heartbreaking speech. "My heart is growing up and I do not feel like I. I'm afraid to be married to you when you put your life on the line every day, I'm afraid that She does not kill me … I love you but I'm worried about you, you literally break my heart. "

And with that, Ben catches some of his stuff and goes (for the moment), but not before giving him a big kiss goodbye. So, will this decision prove that Ben is right and eventually lead to divorce? It's hard to say. Since he told him that he wanted to become a firefighter, it is a subject of contention. Jason George, who plays Ben, told Bustle just before the Station 19 first that Ben and Bailey will have their problems, but end up finding their way together. Let's hope so.

The fact that Bailey was so honest with Ben about how she felt was proving that they have a good chance of getting out of it. Openness and honesty are the cornerstone of any strong marriage and, because they have listened and really want it to work, then they might just be able to overcome that hurdle after all. If a duo can do it, it's those two.

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