Will Ferrell Seen Knocking On Doors In Georgia While Campaigning For Stacey Abrams


Some Georgia voters got a surprise when they opened their doors to Will Ferrell's campaign for the state's Democratic candidates.

The "Anchorman" actor goes door to door to encourage citizens of the Peach State to vote for Democratic Gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams in the midterm elections while also recruiting college students to volunteer for her campaign.

A video posted on Stacey Abrams Facebook page Friday shows Ferrell handing out stickers for the Kennesaw State University.

"We're gonna win by knocking on doors," Ferrell can be heard telling students in the video. "All the doors."

Ferrell has been an outspoken Democrat for years. He endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) In the 2016 Presidential Election, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

His wife, Paulin-Ferrell Viveca, told The Hollywood Reporter that Georgia, who is the race against Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp (R) has been closely watched at the national level.

"We keep asking ourselves, how can we help? What can we do locally in California? Should we be knocking on doors? "Paulin-Ferrell said. "So we're going to knock on doors for Stacey Abrams. You never know in Hollywood if it helps or hurts, but we're trying to get the vote and drive people to the polls. "

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