Will Smith celebrates 50 years with an Elastic Jump at the Grand Canyon


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Will Smith celebrated his 50th birthday from "pure terror to absolute happiness".

The star actor faced one of his biggest fears when he jumped back from a helicopter and bungee jump in the Grand Canyon on Tuesday, broadcast live on his YouTube channel.

Smith was accompanied by his wife, actress Jada Pinkett-Smith, his sons Trey and Jaden, his daughter Willow and former co-star of the "Fresh Prince" Alfonso Ribeiro.

His wife has traveled the same roller coaster of terror, happiness and relief.

Smith had been challenged to make the jump by YouTube stars Yes Theory and decided to face his fears in his latest act as the latest YouTube vlogger from Hollywood.

He also made the jump to raise funds for Education Can not Wait, a global fund that aims to provide education to children in crisis-affected areas. Smith has also used it to publicize the educational programs of the international rights organization, Global Citizen, in the face of his fears for a good cause.

"I've had an interesting relationship with fear all my life," he said on streaming. "We went to the Grand Canyon (when I was younger), and I remember living, but I was afraid to walk to the edge.

"My whole family came to the side of the road but I was too scared to admire the beauty, and during my life I tried to attack anything that scared me."

Luckily for Smith, his experience of bungee jumping is over better than Trevor's jump, Ashley's fiancé in a 1993 episode of "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air".

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