Will Smith "cried uncontrollably" after the first marriage


WILL Smith "sobbed uncontrollably" after marrying his first wife because he knew the relationship was not good.

The actor made the surprising admission during an episode of the Facebook watch show of his wife Jada Pinkett Smith Talk Red Table in which the couple discussed the first days of their relationship.

Smith married the actor Sheree Zampino in 1992 but said that the day of her wedding was not happy.

MORE: Will Smith admits to "failed miserably" in marriage

"It was one of the most bizarre emotions I've ever had. We were at the Palm and I remember I had to get up from dinner when I realized I was not with the person I was supposed to be with, "he said.

"I went to the bathroom and burst into tears. I was sitting in a stall and I was crying uncontrollably and I was laughing. I knew that (Jada) was the woman I was supposed to be with, but I never divorced.

Smith said that he had met Zampino by chance the night he was supposed to be introduced to Pinkett Smith – with whom the actor thought he was destined to have a relationship even before meeting each other.

"When I saw (Jada) on A different world, I knew there was something magical about our energy, "Smith said.

Smith and Pinkett Smith end up meeting at a party years later and both realize immediately that they are attracted to each other.

"We did not have any liaison while he was married. Let's be clear about this, "said Pinkett Smith.

Zampino filed for Smith's divorce in 1995. During the interview, the Men in black star revealing that the first thing he did after signing his divorce papers was to ask Pinkett Smith to go out.

"I literally walked out (after signing them) and called Jada," Smith said.

"I said," Hey Jada, what's up? That's Will. She said, "Hey, how are you? I said, "Well, do you see someone?" "

The couple is married in 1997 and has two children together – Jaden, 20, and Willow, 17.

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