Will the murder trial of a police officer be a turning point in Chicago?


Amna Nawaz:

For 13 months after the shooting, the city authorities refused to broadcast the dotted video, citing a criminal investigation in progress, until a judge ordered them to release him.

The video sparked protests in Chicago, a city that has experienced excessive police abuse against African-American residents. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel fired police superintendent Garry McCarthy amid calls for his own resignation. Earlier this month, Emanuel announced that he would not be re-elected in February.

Three agents are currently being prosecuted for allegedly hiding Van Dyke and lying about the events of that night. As the trial continues, it is not certain that Van Dyke himself will testify.

Let's now take a look at some important moments of this lawsuit up to now and at the larger impact of this case.

Jennifer White is with WBEZ Chicago Public Media. She is the host of their podcast made jointly with the Chicago Tribune about this case. This is what we call "16 shots".

Jennifer White, welcome to "NewsHour".

I want to ask you, the defense started today to present his case for the agent Van Dyke, but for 11 days before that, it was the turn of the prosecution to present their argument.

What was the purpose of the business they were doing?

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