Will the Seahawks have Doug Baldwin, Mychal Kendricks and K. J. Wright against Arizona? Pete Carroll has updates for you


The receiving veteran has missed the last two games, but Carroll says Baldwin is "confident" and that he might be able to come back against the Cardinals on Sunday.

Doug Baldwin practiced Wednesday. Earl Thomas did not do it.

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll spoke at his Wednesday press conference.

Here are the highlights:


Thomas did not practice Wednesday, which follows last week's controversy over his decision not to participate in Friday's practice.

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But it was not the same thing, at least in the eyes of the team, because Carroll was saying, "It's the day that Earl is always pausing," which implies that it's not the same. was an agreed day of rest.

Thomas did not practice as well last Wednesday and this was considered at the time as a "veteran's day of rest" agreed. The events that occurred later in the week did not make it possible to know if this had really been the case.

But Carroll now seems to say that Thomas will leave Wednesday every week. Carroll answered "yes" when asked if Thomas would practice Thursday.

Defensive coordinator Ken Norton also seemed to continue selling the idea that Thomas would get regular rest days the rest of the season, as approved by the team.

"Everyone has to practice," said Norton. "We understand that practice is the fabric of our work. At the same time, he's a veteran and you have to make sure you protect your guys. We have a good plan for him now.

Reports were released last Sunday that the Seahawks may consider imposing a fine on Thomas should he continue to seek a ban on the practice.

Whether it happens or not, it is not clear. And Wednesday, it became clear that the team is now selling the idea that it has reached agreements with Thomas on how he will handle the rest of the season.

"I'm sure Earl is ready to play good football and he did not do anything else," Carroll said, questioning Thomas's state of mind. "We worked together for a long time and worked through things and made our way. Where we are right now, I think the process is going to be really good. He feels good coming out of the game (Dallas) and we will do what we do during the week in preparation and I hope that he will continue to ride. It is on fire right now and we want it to continue. "

Rest days for some veterans have been routine in recent seasons. Richard Sherman, Michael Bennett and Marshawn Lynch have often had at least one day of rest in recent years. But Sherman and Bennett were generally based on chronic injuries and rest days for half-runners are common throughout the league. In general, Thomas did not take many days of rest (which are generally described as non-injury related in the daily practice report).

But Thomas, taking what will be presented as team-approved days off, seems to be the new standard for the Seahawks.

Thomas was on the side when the Seahawks started to train, doing some stretching by himself. He then watched the exercises on the ground while the media was allowed to see the practice.


The Seahawks have been informed that the linebacker of the weak, Mychal Kendricks, could play Sunday and he will not be suspended this week.

The Seahawks are inquiring every Tuesday if a suspension comes in for them to plan accordingly. The players on the list as of Tuesday are paid and the NFL apparently informs Seattle of the availability of Kendricks every Tuesday. So, as Kendricks is suspended, it gives Seattle time to add someone to the lineup early enough to prepare him for the game of the week.

Carroll said all he knew was that Kendricks could play Sunday and he did not know any other games.

For now, it works well for Seattle, as Carroll K. J. Wright said is probably missing for another week. Wright was knee injured against Minnesota in the third preseason game and underwent arthroscopic surgery.

Carroll said Wright "was working on a good pace and we needed to slow him down a bit. So we go from day to day with him. "

Expect Wright's process to be accelerated once the team knows they do not have Kendricks. But with Kendricks able to play a third game in a row for Seattle, the Seahawks can slow down with Wright this week.


Baldwin returned to training on Wednesday for the first time since he suffered a sprain at the MCL against Denver.

Carroll called Baldwin "making a big jump for him," but said he was not clear whether he would be able to play against Arizona.

"We'll see how that goes," said Carroll. "He's confident – it's not a surprise. We will see if he can do it. "

Baldwin also missed the pre-season to rest his other knee and Carroll said the team will need to determine if Baldwin's two knees are healthy before they can play.

"We have to watch him because he tends to go over the others because he is very aggressive," Carroll said. "But we are going to bet that he is such a great competitor that he will be able to understand and gather him."

Baldwin was officially listed as being limited in practice.


The third year in a row came to an end on Sunday after fighting what Carroll called a basic problem during the week and then warming up before the match.

Carroll said Prosise had not made much progress since then and did not know when he would come back.

Prosise has played only 13 of the 35 regular season games since it was drafted in 2016.

"We are working with him," said Carroll. "It's a serious injury because we're not yet able to do it. So I do not know what's going to happen this week, but we'll take care of him and see if we can do it right. Unfortunately, he has not made much progress this weekend. "

With Prosise out, Mike Davis will play the team two minutes / third behind with Rashaad Penny. J.D. McKissic is on Injured Reserve but may return after the eighth game of the season. Seattle will have more options then, depending on what is happening with Prosise.

The team ranked Prosise as not participating in practice due to an injury to the abdomen.


  • Carroll said DE Jordan Jordan also had a heart injury – not a wrist or hand injury, as it seemed possible during the match – but that he might be able to play this week. "He will be on the road (and) we will have a chance for him this weekend," Carroll said. The Seahawks added Branden Jackson Tuesday to the training team. Jordan was officially classified as not participating in practice due to a hip injury.
  • Carroll said center Justin Britt would be back this week but Ethan Pocic would not train on Wednesday. Carroll said Pocic may be able to play Sunday, but is unlikely to start. So expect D. Fluker to stay on the right guard and J. R. Sweezy on the left guard with Britt likely to come back in the middle instead of Joey Hunt, who started against Dallas with Britt.
  • Hunt has been registered as not participating in the practice because of a hip injury, which probably puts an end to any drama about who will start at the center.
  • Defensive end rookie Rasheem Green has also been listed on the coaching list due to a hip injury.
  • Safety Delano Hill (hamstring) and running back Chris Carson (hip) were also deemed limited in practice.
  • Carroll said TE Ed Dickson, who is on the non-football list, is about to be able to return when he is eligible – after the London match against the Raiders. That means the game of October 28 in Detroit is the first game that Dickson could play.
  • The Seahawks have added former Husky Azeem Victor to the training team. Seattle still has a spot on the open team and Darrell Daniels, who was suspended Tuesday to make way for Jackson. Daniels canceled the waivers on Wednesday.
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