Will the strawberry moon affect your sleep? Experts say that the insomnia of the full moon is probably a myth


Even if you prefer to follow the Kardashian about everything astrological, you'll want to mark your calendars: On Thursday, June 28, a gorgeous and glowing Strawberry Moon will radiate from above and illuminate your bedroom. his perch in the sky. Unfortunately, a Strawberry Moon is not as dramatic as its name suggests – it's literally the full moon of June – and, even worse, the strawberry moon could affect your sleep, if Rumors are true about the full moon making it harder to fall asleep at night. It's always helpful to create a bedtime routine and set the mood in your sleeping space for optimal rest, but science says you probably do not need to make extra effort in six to eight o'clock the night of the full moon.

The truth is, there are so many urban legends and myths related to the full moon. According to History.com, some people believe that more babies are born during the full moon, or that the circle completed in the sky makes you behave in a strange way. And yes, some people even speculate that full moons make it harder to sleep at night. This is not exactly BS in itself, but there is certainly not much factual evidence that says full moons will make you miserable all night long. So, whether you end up throwing yourself and turning around or falling asleep the second your head touches the pillow, it's likely the cosmos probably does not have control this time around.

So, what is it that the Strawberry Moon?


Just in case you would not pay attention during this particular astrology lesson at school, according to TimeAndDate.com, the full moon is the third of the four lunar phases, and that happens when the whole face of the moon is illuminated by the sun. Each full moon has a name that comes from a combination of the old names of Amerindian, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic months, and the full moon of June is known as the strawberry moon because it symbolizes the beginning of the strawberry season when wild berries begin to ripen. So even if the full moons are astrologically the same, the moon of each month has a special meaning. Pretty cute, no?

When it comes to the Strawberry Moon specifically, though – and I really hate to burst your bubble here – it's not as romantic as it sounds. No, this moon will not emit a reddish hue, and it will not be exactly clickbait for your Instagram either. But he East Special in its own right: Every 20 years or so, by TimeAndDate.com, the strawberry moon lands on or around the summer solstice, and clearly, this year, it was not too far away. And if so, you can think of it as your second celebration of the beginning of the summer season.

But in terms of your sleep schedule, the Strawberry Moon will probably not disturb your sleep – and if that's the case, it's probably just a coincidence.


Here's how full moons and sleep intersect: According to Chris Brantner, sleep science coach and founder of SleepZoo, the evidence supports the idea that a full moon casts your circadian rhythm (aka your body's internal clock that dictates when you should be awake or asleep) is minimal and missing. For example, one of the few studies exploring this concept took place in 2013, and researchers at the University of Basel in Switzerland found that fact It took longer to fall asleep during the full moon, he slept 30 minutes less than usual and he lived about a third less of the average time that his body usually goes to sleep deeply . However, Brantner points out, it's hard to say how accurate these results are, because the experiment only analyzed sleep patterns of 33 people.

Yet, Dr. Brodner, MD, a sleep specialist and founder and senior physician at the Center for Sinus, Allergy and Sleep Wellness in Palm Beach County, Florida, says that "it's a good thing." he East Scientific proof that the human body is synchronized with the phases of the moon, so it is possible that there is a connection between the two hidden here somewhere.

"A 2014 study found that people slept an average of 20 to 25 minutes less during the full moon," Brodner told Elite Daily. "What was interesting was that the subjects were in a room without light. A full moon on the outside. "This minor detail, but actually quite important, has further proven the hypothesis that the internal clock of your body seems to be on the same schedule as the moon." Whether we are aware of it or not, adds he is, we are in harmony with the natural rhythm of mother nature.

So, if it happens to you make end their eyes wide under the covers on June 28th, there is plenty of stuff to fall and stay asleep.


If you have trouble sleeping on Thursday, June 28, Brodner tells Elite Daily that it's probably an honest coincidence. Yet, why you can not sleep does not take the fact that you can not, so do yourself a favor and go through a checklist of best sleep practices.

For starters, Brodner says, "lowering the temperature in your room a little cooler than usual," because the ideal sleeping temperature, according to the National Sleep Foundation is actually between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if you turn and turn, it could be too hot in your bedroom. Then avoid watching TV or playing with your smartphone too late, as the blue light that emanates from your device definitely lifts your sleep cycle well more than a full moon.

More importantly, Brantner tells Elite Daily, the best thing you can do for your body before going to bed is just to relax. "Engaging in relaxing activities like taking a hot bath or doing yoga," he says, will naturally train your body, prepare your muscles and mind to sleep and, hopefully, help you sleep better and Longer.

So sure, astrology might not keep you informed, but many things can, and it's best to make sure your sleeping space is prepared and primed for optimal sleep.

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