Willie Nelson plans to win the Beto O Rourke Rally and some fans mourn the betrayal


Willie Nelson supports Democratic candidate Beto O'Rourke in the Texas Senate race and some former fans no longer sing his praises.

The music legend announced on Wednesday that he would hold a rally in Austin on September 29 for O & # Rourke, and Nelson insisted that it will be the first public concert that he has organized for a political candidate, according to Austin360. .com.

Nelson said the US representative "embodies what is special about Texas, a completely authentic energy and integrity" in a press release announcing the rally.

But when Nelson was associated with Austin360's story on his own Facebook page, some fans were angry because "the stranger with the red head" was voting like a Blue Stater.

A fan lashed out at Nelson's Facebook page saying, "If that's true [than] I've finished after 45 years with the stranger Red Headed.

"By Willie, this smoke finally got you!"

Another commentator said she thought Nelson "made more sense than that" and theorized that the singer was supporting O'Rourke because the candidate was supporting the legalization of marijuana.

Then there was the guy who told the country fan version of "Bye Felicia!":

"Goodbye Willie, I do not support Socialist Communists! You also will not advertise on my FB page. As they say in Texas, now Git!

But despite all the criticism received by Nelson for daring to support – thrill! – One Democrat, there were supporters who pointed out that the singer has long held liberal views.

Like the man who said, "Ah, I love the sound people make when right-wing jobs finally realize that their heroes have liberal views.

Nelson has supported O'Rourke in the past and even invited him on stage at his annual July 4th picnic to play guitar for "Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die" and "Will" performances. the Circle Be Unbroken ".

Willie Nelson (left) and Beto O. Rourke perform in concert at Willie Nelson's 45th July 4th Picnic at Austin's Amphitheat360

Getty Images

Willie Nelson (left) and Beto O. Rourke perform in concert at the 45th July 4th Picnic at Willie Nelson at the Austin360 Amphitheater on July 4th, 2018.

Tickets for September 29 are available here.

On November 6, O'Rourke faces outgoing Republican Senator Ted Cruz, backed by President Donald Trump. CBS News reported that O'Rourke is only 4 percentage points behind Cruz.

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