Willie Nelson sings the new song 'Vote & # 39; Em Out – Rallye Beto O Rourke


Wearing the "Beto for Senate 2018" jersey and playing his trusty Trigger guitar, Nelson took the stage outside after a speech by the Democratic candidate in front of a large crowd in Austin.

Nelson played with several of the country's favorites, including "On the Road Again", with O 'Rourke, and then sang the new song – whose lyrics have a simple message for November.

"Vote, go out, vote.

and when they are gone, we will sing and dance and shout.

And we will bring new ones,

and they will start showing again

that if you do not like who's in there, vote on it. "

O. Rourke, a congressman, is seeking to dislodge US Republican Senator Ted Cruz in what, for decades, has been a reliable conservative state. The polls showed a surprisingly close run between the two, causing Republicans to sweat more than usual.

The rally was billed as "a night with Willie and Beto" to better get out the vote for O & # 39; Rourke. The singer and the politician are in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana, among others.

"If we want to win and elect Beto in the Senate, we need Texans to vote for him!" And what's more Texan than Willie Nelson? (Nothing!), "Said the event.

After singing "Vote Em Out", Nelson closes his set with a shout to his favorite candidate.

"Thank you Beto!" he said. "All the way, buddy!"

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