Wind farm 'predator' effect hits ecosystems


"We found that people began to settle because of birds of prey becoming less of population in the area of wind farms fell by 75% ".

After testing, the turbines have been found to have lower levels of a stress hormone – something that must have emerged in the Western Ghats.

In particular, the team observed an explosion in the raptors' favorite meal – fan-throated lizards – in areas dominated by the turbines.

Researchers of the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, found that wind turbines can act as predators in ecosystems by driving numbers and triggering knock-on effects across food chains – it results in an increase in density of vertebrates like lizards on the ground.

The study was done in the Chalkewadi Plateau in Satara District in the Northern Western Ghats which is the site of one of the largest and longest-running wind farms in the region.

Ornithologists already named wind turbines "predators of our time". Wind Turbines Researchers found more wind turbines than wind turbines. Here are a large number of wind power plants, which provoke the extinction of these birds, and lizards. They suggest similar effects would also probably be found around British wind farms.

In order to record changes in the physiology of lizards, the researchers measured hormonal stress reactivity. Blood samples were collected from lizards picked up from both sites – areas with wind farms and wind farms.

By now, it's common knowledge that wind turbines reduce the number of local birds and bats, disrupting their migratory paths.

Furthermore, they have been significantly changed in their behavior and appearance, but they have been in an essentially predator-free environment. However, the assumption that wind turbines only affects flying birds, which are often predators, can change an ecosystem's dynamic.

Maria Thaker, of the Indian Institute of Science, said she conducted the research because of the effect of wind turbines on raptors. You can further help us by making a donation.

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