Wind report Monday – Live Doppler weather report 13


Windblown rain continues to move in central Indiana, with thunder and wind gusts exceeding 40 mph by midnight. This (circled) rain line is a response to the strong low pressure zone in Illinois.

Central Indiana remains on the "hot" side of a winter storm that pours heavy snow over Missouri, Illinois and Michigan. This big snow band will bypass our vision area, but we will eventually have snow flurries and perhaps lake squalls accentuated from Monday to Tuesday.

Wind gusts actually decrease during the night when the center of the storm moves on the state. But the gusts accelerate in the late morning and sometimes close to 50 mph because of the strong pressure gradient around the storm system.

Surface temperatures remain well above freezing at night, but the colder air at altitude finally arrives at 8 am Monday morning. This allows the rain to mix or move to a period of snow flurries blown by the wind.

The colder air from top to bottom arrives Monday night and snow flurries continue until Tuesday morning. The accumulation locally should be mainly less than an inch, but with temperatures going down to nearly 20 Tuesday morning, some slippery points become possible.

The cold winds of Monday night fall to nearly 20 and continue to fall in the range of 5 to 15 degrees Tuesday morning. Tuesday seems very winter with "highs" in the 20s and some flurries or snow.

This cold snap slows down later this week with a return to nearly 50 next weekend. However, the compromise will increase the chances of rain Thursday night and Sunday – Sean Ash

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