Winnebago County Health leaders get flu vaccines to encourage the public


ROCKFORD, Ill. – Leading by example is what Winnebago County Health leaders want to do as flu season approaches, as many of them received flu shots this morning at the health department.

Flu activity tends to peak in December and February. Health officials say its never too early to get a vaccine.

They stressed that getting one doesn’t just protect individuals; they say it’s a good way to prevent spreading the virus to others.

“It may be for your family. It may be for your co-workers, your friends at school, if you volunteer in the community, those people in our community that you touch.” Todd Kisner, Director of the Center for Health Protection, said. “So, it’s not just protecting yourself, it’s protecting them.”

The Winnebago County Health Department recommends that anyone six months or older get a flu vaccine.

Last flu season, there were 7,300 reported cases in Winnebago County alone, which more than doubled the total from the previous year.

The biggest jumps were seen in patients 50 years of age and older.

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