Winners of the 2018 Gotham Awards: full list


& # 39; The favorite & # 39;

& # 39; The favorite & # 39;

Yorgos Lanthimos / Twentieth Century Fox

The Gotham Independent Film Awards 2018 were presented Monday night at Cipriani Wall Street in New York.

Enter the ceremony, The favourite and First reformed scored the most appointments.

Both films were nominated for Best Feature and Best Screenplay, with First reformed also scoring a better actor nods and The favourite awarded a special jury prize for his three main actresses.

In the best category, The favourite, Yorgos Lanthimos's film about two women in Queen Anne's court competing for her attention and affection, and First reformedPaul Schrader's latest book on a troubled pastor, drawn to violence, confronts Barry Jenkins Moonlight to follow If Beale Street could speak, Josephine Decker Madeline's Madeline and Chloé Zhaois the rider.

The following films have each been nominated for two awards: Eighth year, hereditary, if Beale Street could speak, Leave No Trace, Madeline's Madeline, Privacy, sorry to bother you and Support girls.

These totals do not include the public award, voted by IFP members among the nominated films for the best feature, best documentary and breakthrough director.

Previously announced tributes will also go to Willem Dafoe, Paul Greengrass, Jon Kamen and Rachel Weisz. Sandra Lee will receive the "Made in NY" award.

Recent Gotham Award winners include Oscar nominees and winners Call me by your name, Moonlight, Projector, Birdman, Childhood, Citizenfour, In Llewyn Davis, The Act of Killing, The Kingdom of Moonrise, Wild South Beasts, Beginners, The Tree of Life, Bone of the Moon 'winter and The Hurt Locker.

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