Wisconsin girl "missing and endangered" after her parents' death


Police said a Wisconsin girl was "missing and endangered" Monday after discovering the death of her parents in the family home.

Authorities issued an Amber alert for 13-year-old Jayme Closs after discovering the bodies of her parents, James Closs, 56, and Denise Closs, 46, earlier in the day.

Police made the terrifying discovery at the couple's home in Barron, Wisconsin, around 1 am, as they responded to the 911 report that was called by an unknown caller who was asking for help, announced the police.

PHOTO: Police have reported missing and endangered Jayme Closs of Wisconsin after discovering her parents' death on Monday, October 16, 2018.National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Police said Jayme Closs, of Wisconsin, "disappeared and endangered" after the death of her parents on Monday, October 16, 2018.

Barron County Sheriff, Chris Fitzgerald, did not explain how the couple had died, but he said there had been shots. Investigators said that the teenager may have been removed from the home under threat of weapons.

There was no track nor suspect on Tuesday morning and no clue or clue was left at the scene of the crime.

"At the end of the day, I want a 13-year-old child here, safe and sound, that's our goal – it's our only goal at the moment," said Barron County Sheriff , Chris Fitzgerald, at a press briefing.

The Miami police were investigating a possible observation of the teenager at a gas station, but she could not confirm the authenticity of this information.

An informant stated that he saw a person "corresponding to the description of the young endangered Jayme Closs" between 14:00 and 14:00. and 3 pm Monday, the Miami Police Department announced Tuesday in a black Ford Explorer with a possible I60WER plate in Wisconsin.

"The vehicle was occupied by 2 well-dressed men from the Middle East, aged between 30 and 5, weighing between 5'7" and 5'09 "and weighing between 200 and 250 pounds. Both were wearing a beard. In addition, inside the vehicle was a girl matching the description of Jayme Closs, "said the department in a press release. "If you have any information please call 911 immediately."

Police said anyone with information on the case should contact the Barron County Sheriff's Department.

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