BURLINGTON – Republican Governor Scott Walker did not bet on the polls that prove it, while his rival, Tony Evers, spoke of the possibility of a democratic sweep in the November 6 elections.

The two men made their statements Sunday while they were trying to set fire to their respective militants in the heart of the 1st Congressional District, during separate events around a televised match at Green Bay Packers. .

In Burlington, Walker did not hesitate to participate in a recent poll conducted by Marquette University Law School, which put him in fifth place with Democrats Evers.

Walker said he did not believe that Marquette's poll went badly at a similar stage of the 2016 campaign when he showed that US Republican Senator Ron Johnson was following Democrat Russ Feingold, and this n & # 39; Is not wrong now. Johnson went on to win in 2016 and Walker said Republicans can win this year.

"What has changed is not that the poll was wrong, what has changed is that we have done something about it," Walker said.

"We have to remember what we did two years ago and work harder."

At a rally in a campaign office in downtown Racine, Evers told his supporters: "We have the opportunity to do a sweep in November."

But Evers said a lot of hard work is coming in and said, "We're talking polls, I can tell you that today's polls show us the way and show us the way forward. . "

At the end of the poll, the stakes are high in a district that in 2016 was awarded to outgoing House Speaker Paul Ryan by 35 points and President Donald Trump by 10.

It is a neighborhood where Republicans enjoy a considerable advantage in the partisan composition of their constituents, but do not constitute a considerable advantage.

Bryan Steil tries to hold the seat of the House for the Republicans, while Randy Bryce tries to shake the seat of the Democrats.

A GOP gathering gathered about three dozen activists, including Walker, Attorney General Brad Schimel, US Senate candidate Leah Vukmir, Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, Steil and candidates Travis Hartwig for the Secretary of State .

In the afternoon, dozens of Democrats filled a campaign office to listen to Evers, the candidate of Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes, US Senator Tammy Baldwin, candidate lawyer Josh Kaul, Bryce and Sarah Godlewski.

RELATED: Tony Evers considers a series of rises and falls in taxes by calling Scott Walker's priorities "deregulated"

RELATED: US Senate Run in Wisconsin: Leah Vukmir and Tammy Baldwin Swap Beards on Tomah VA Scandal and Health Care

RELATED: Marquette Poll: Tony Evers leads Scott Walker 49% to 44% in the governor's race

RELATED: Marquette Survey: Tammy Baldwin opens wide margin ahead of Leah Vukmir in the United States

"We know it's one of the most important places in the state to vote," Vos told Republicans.

Vukmir, a Brookfield state senator, said the party had been "galvanized by all that we have gone through over the past eight years".

"We know how to hold elections," she said.

She sought to portray Baldwin as an insider, even joking that the first-term senator was probably wearing a Washington Redskins jersey.

"Tammy Baldwin does not defend the values ​​of Wisconsin, American values," said Vukmir, adding that Baldwin supports the "Medicare for All" proposal of independent US Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

In Racine, Baldwin wore Packers fleece in green and gold and told reporters, "Health care and people's access to insurance and medicines they can afford are on the ballot. ".

Asked why the prospects for Democrats in the state are increasing, Baldwin pointed to last year's fight when Democrats rejected Republicans' attempt to repeal and replace the Health Care Act. affordable.

She said the Wisconsinites "saw Republicans attacking their health care protections, they got involved, I never saw the activism and organization as I did last year around of deeply personal health care. "

She said that people are "moving from finding solutions to supporting candidates who are their champions and opposing candidates who have been obstructing or proposing harmful things."

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel journalist Craig Gilbert contributed to this article.

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