Withdrawal symptoms of antidepressant to know


The particularly discreet episode of last night That's us spent most of his time focusing on the Pearson brothers and sisters who found their place in the world, both now and in the aftermath of Jack's death.

Rebecca, who admits to Randall that she struggles to find the energy to get up from bed, has even fewer parents with her teenage triplets.

But this is the current Toby, who may be facing the most pressing mental health problem. After a fertility doctor mentioned that his antidepressants could contribute to the difficulty that he and Kate had had in conceiving a child, Toby threw his medicine in the toilet, leaving the cold turkey. We see Toby watching "his antidepressant withdrawal" on his phone as it becomes clear that he did not take long to understand the consequences of this frantic action.

RELATED: 10 surprising facts about antidepressants

Throughout last night's episode, we see a side of Toby that we had never seen before. He is nervous and constantly jumps in his legs. It's a bit rougher around the edges, especially when the talkative Pearsons start arguing. "Everyone is silent!" Toby shouted a few moments before the band was ready to leave for the premiere of Kevin's movie. "For the sake of God, keep the comment asin for the cheap seats."

Withdrawal of antidepressants – also called antidepressant withdrawal syndrome –can Legitimately cause symptoms if people stop taking their medications abruptly. No one knows exactly why, says Philip R. Muskin, MD, secretary of the American Psychiatric Association and professor of psychiatry at New York Presbyterian / Columbia University Medical Center. "But we think the body is making adjustments to the biological effect of the drug. If they are stopped abruptly, these adjustments now have physical or psychological effects. "

The withdrawal symptoms of antidepressants may include irritability, anxiety and a feeling of flu, he says. Some patients also describe sensations of "electric shock" and gastrointestinal problems, he adds. According to a recent UK study of 14 studies, almost half of people taking antidepressants will experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop taking them or reduce the dose of their medications. And half of these people – millions, said the BBC – will judge these serious symptoms.

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While this may certainly be uncomfortable, withdrawal syndrome is not dangerous, says Dr. Muskin. But what can be, if a person suddenly stops taking his medication, is a relapse of depression, he adds. For this reason, mental health professionals generally advise patients to gradually reduce their medications within weeks or even months if they stop or change their treatment.

Some antidepressants are more likely to cause symptoms when you stop taking them than others; Depending on what a person is taking, one can prescribe a different short-term medication to relieve the symptoms by getting out of a medication, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Toby, it's worth reinforcing, has taken matters into his own hands here, and he's potentially putting himself in danger by doing it. In an ideal world, when the fertility doctor would have given her the idea that her antidepressants were preventing her from becoming a father, she would also have "declared that Toby do not stop taking the medication without talking to your doctor first, "says Dr. Muskin.

Not only did Toby not tell his doctor he stopped taking his medication, he did not even tell Kate. After the blast, Toby lets his head clear up and he no longer shows up until it's time to start Kevin's movie. "I've never seen you explode like that, ever," Kate said. "What's going on with you lately?"

Toby considers it a jet lag. Fortunately, according to the Mayo Clinic, antidepressant withdrawal usually lasts only a few weeks, but we hope it will not get worse before it gets better.

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