Celebrities find many ways to be grateful in this holiday season.

Whether it's food jokes or Macy's Thanksgiving Day rehearsals, discover how your favorite celebrities get ready for Thanksgiving.

Reese Witherspoon shared a picture of a pie on Instagram with the words "glad I'm wearing stretch pants" on top.

"I'm just preparing for tomorrow," wrote the actress and producer.

"Wherever you are, I hope your vacation will be rewarding," wrote actor Henry Winkler.

The Pentatonix pop group looked a little cold during rehearsals for the Macy's parade.

"Watch the family sing on Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on Thursday," tweeted member Kirstin Maldonado.

Josh Groban clearly announced that he would eat a bunch of yams on Thursday: "This thanksgiving that will turn me into a yam will be complete," he joked on Twitter.

Maybe this "metamorphosis" came a little earlier? Groban started another holiday-themed tweet before switching to the cap and declaring "OH GOD HAPPY HE" followed by 32 yam emojis.

And did we mention the current profile photo of Groban is a yam? Maybe someone should watch him.

And Kristin Chenoweth posted a photo of festive regression.

Asked about holiday traditions, William Shatner understood what was important to him at Thanksgiving: "Eat.

Andy Richter hopes that the recent epidemic of E. Coli caused by romaine lettuce will not ruin his family's plans for desserts.

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