Woman defends two women harassed for speaking Spanish and arrested suspect


A woman was arrested for allegedly harassing two Spanish-speaking women after she was confronted by another woman in a Colorado grocery store.

In a viral video posted on Facebook, we can see a woman identified as Kamira Trent screaming after the suspect, identified as Linda Dwire, in a City Market grocery store in Rifle, Colorado on Monday. Dwire was accused of having harassed Fabiola Velasquez and Isabel Marin for being spoken in Spanish.

"I call the cops, you leave these women alone! Get out!" Trent can be heard telling Dwire in the video.

"You come from a generation that is destroying this country," Dwire replied.

"No, not at all, I have respect, you do not harass people," Trent said in the video.

"You're going to lose your country," Dwire told Trent, pointing at her. "You know what, you're going to lose this country."

One can see Trent and Dwire moving away in the video, while a store employee follows the women.

"You do not harass Hispanic women!" Trent can be heard saying.

The video has already been viewed more than 778,000 times and more than 13,000 shares on Facebook. Velasquez wrote on Facebook that she never thought it would happen to her and thanked Trent for defending her and Marin.

"I never thought that would happen to me. A friend and I were talking in the store in Spanish and suddenly a lady came to insult us that if we lived in this country, we only had to speak English. Fortunately, the other girl (whom we do not know) defended us and called the police, "Velasquez wrote in Spanish on Facebook on Monday. I have always seen videos on social media. can say that I felt a real helplessness. "

Velasquez told BuzzFeed News that she was in the United States for eight years and market with her kids. She was talking to Marin when Dwire, who was aggressive, approached her in the face, approaching her, according to BuzzFeed News. Trent heard Dwire say to the women, "You are in America. You are in my country You can not speak Spanish here. You must speak English if you are going to America. "

"She has just been more and more angry. I was trying to get her away from both women, but she was not going to leave them alone, "Trent told BuzzFeed News. What she said and how she said it was wrong. "

Dwire was arrested and taken to Garfield County Jail, according to an affidavit on his arrest obtained by BuzzFeed News. She was charged with two counts of bias-based harassment, but was released on bail on Monday.

Newsweek contacted City Market to comment on the incident, but did not get an answer in time for publication.

Screenshot of 2018-10-04 at 3 City Market in Rifle, Colorado. A woman was arrested on Monday for allegedly harassing two other women for speaking Spanish. Google Maps / Screen Capture

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