Woman discovers 50-Lb. The weight gain is an ovarian cyst


An Alabama woman who thought she had accidentally gained weight found that the added weight was actually 50 lbs.

Kayla Rahn had spent months treating stomach pain and breathing problems, but she thought the problems were due to the fact that she had gained weight

"I could not not even walk up to my car without losing my breath. Rahn, 30, Alabama-based, told WSFA 12.

Doctors also assumed that she had just put on weight and said her problems would be solved if she was working to lose her – something that Rahn was already doing. I had been trying to lose weight for about a year, but I was gaining weight, "she said. "I thought I was 9 months pregnant, we went to dinner and someone asked if I had twins, it was frustrating and brutal." [19659002] The pain soon became too difficult to ignore and, in May, at the instigation of her mother, Rahn went to the emergency, where an analysis showed that she had a massive cyst in her body. One of his ovaries.

  Doctors after removing the ovarian cyst at Kayla Rahn

Doctors after removing the ovarian cyst at Kayla Rahn

Jackson Hospital

Rahn said that c & # 39; was a relief to hear that something was wrong and that she did not have I just put on weight. "I remember telling my mom and I to have burst out laughing saying that they were going to fix it. I knew something was wrong, "she said in a news release shared with PEOPLE.

The doctors took Rahn to surgery at Jackson Hospital and managed to remove the cyst. Dr. Gregory Jones, an OB-GYN present for surgery, was shocked by the size of the cyst.

"It's one of the biggest I've ever seen or certainly removed," Jones said in the press release. "We are very excited things went well for her."

The cyst was thankfully benign, and Jones said the technical name for her is mucinous cystadenoma.

Rahn said that she feels free again.

When I got home and I was able to move around a bit, I tried all the shirts I had and it was awesome, "Rahn said. "This dress I wear, I have not been able to wear it in a year."

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