Woman dragged in the water while feeding the sharks


  A woman from western Australia was on vacation when she decided to feed a group of sharks by hand. (Source: 7News Austrailia / CNN) "title =" A woman from western Australia was on vacation when she decided to feed a group of sharks by hand. (Source: 7News Austrailia / CNN) "border =" 0 "src =" http://RAYCOMGROUP.images.worldnow.com/images/17102066_G.jpg?auto=webp&disable=upscale&width=800&lastEditedDate=20180701225738 "width =" 180 " />
<span> A woman from western Australia was on vacation when she decided to feed a group of sharks by hand. (Source: 7News Austrailia / CNN) </span></div>
<div class=  The woman suffered so much, she had to be convinced that her finger was still attached. (Source: 7News Austrailia / CNN) "title =" The woman suffered so much, she had to be convinced that her finger was still attached. (Source: 7News Austrailia / CNN) "border =" 0 "src =" http://RAYCOMGROUP.images.worldnow.com/images/17102063_G.jpg?auto=webp&disable=upscale&width=800&lastEditedDate=20180701225747 "width =" 180 " />
<span> The woman suffered so much, she had to be convinced that her finger was still attached. (Source: 7News Austrailia / CNN) </span></div>
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AUSTRAILIA (7News Australia / CNN) – When Melissa Brunning tells people that she was bitten by a shark, not everyone believes her.

Then she shows them her scars. stood at the back of a boat that fed the fish to a group of tawny sharks, a normally placid species with mighty jaws and multiple rows of shark teeth

"That s & # He passed his finger so fast and he had the impression of shredding the bone, "says Brunning.

Despite the excruciating pain, Brunning's finger did not was bitten.It was said to the 34-year-old man that he was still attached.

"I came and I said:" I lost my . finger & # 39; And I could not even look at my finger because I thought it was gone I thought if I looked at it, I would probably be shocked, "recalls Brunning.

Brunning had been bitten at Dugong Bay, near Horizon, for three days in a two-week stay in the top of the state. She hoped it would heal, but Brunning's finger did not heal.

He ended up being so badly infected that when she returned to Perth, she needed an operation to get her clean.

An X-ray revealed that the bite had fractured the bone and tore a ligament.

Brunning admits to having been wrong that day.

His message: Don & # 39; It is safer and less painful to admire them from inside a boat

"Just be aware of your environment and do not feed sharks," says Brunning

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