Woman kidnapped from the flight of mind after a laconist tirade


After the emergency landing of a Spirit Airlines flight from Minneapolis to Rochester, Minnesota, to assist a sick passenger, a woman from the flight broke into a hackneyed tirade, walking up and down in the alley and threatening the other passengers.

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The video captured by passenger Chianti Washington and posted on Facebook recorded the explosion, which continued even as the woman was escorted out of the plane by the police. Other passengers could be seen recording while praying and consoling themselves during the woman's hysterics, which included rushing to the cockpit.

"She was shouting to the two gentlemen who were trying to block her – it was very scary," Washington told ABC News. "She just did not want to stop, and as the police escorted her out of the plane continued to remain belligerent."

"All I could think of was the children in the plane – I said a prayer," added Washington. "You did not know what she was going to do, we were very scared and shaken by her behavior."

Stephen Schuler, a spokesman for Spirit Airlines, said in a statement sent to ABC News:

Yesterday morning, a flight from Houston to Minneapolis had to land in Rochester, Minnesota, because of a medical emergency occurred in Rochester, another passenger became erratic and furious and was removed from the plane with the help of the forces of the order. We apologize to our customers who have witnessed this inconvenience and the inconvenience caused by the delay.Safety if our top priority at Spirit Airlines. "

A woman was removed from a robbery after she unleashed a blasphemous tirade after the plane made an emergency landing.Chianti Washington
A woman was removed from a robbery after she unleashed a blasphemous tirade after the plane made an emergency landing.
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