Woman says her own PEE cured her severe immune system


A woman revealed that she feels better than ever after starting to drink her own urine every morning, as well as exfoliating and moisturizing her face with it.

Kayleigh Oakley, 33, of Newington, Kent, drinks a half pint of pee upon waking, claiming that she keeps her complexion fresh and that she has cured a "life" of health problems.

Now a yoga teacher, Kayleigh was only four years old when she was diagnosed with a weak immune system, which brought her to suffer from constant fatigue and muscle aches. At the age of 15, Kayleigh developed an autoimmune disease caused by Hashimoto's disease, causing an underactive thyroid.

Two years later, she was told that she had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, which was causing pain throughout the body and even the smallest tasks were becoming a nightmare for Kayleigh, whose husband, Tristan, 39 years, was draftsman.

Kayleigh, who has been struggling with the immune system for years and who has spent a tiring day lying down, says that just a few days after she had sipped the yellow fluid, she felt transformed – despite the lack of medical support.

Kayleigh Oakley, 33, of Newington, Kent, drinks a half pint of urine upon waking, claiming that she keeps her complexion fresh and that she has healed a "life" of problems health

Kayleigh Oakley, 33, of Newington, Kent, drinks a half pint of urine upon waking, claiming that she keeps her complexion fresh and that she has healed a "life" of problems health

Speaking of her alternative "urinary therapy", she said: "It was almost instantaneous.

"Drinking urine can not hurt you and I consider it a medicine. We do not think twice before taking over the counter medications with side effects, but the urine does not have side effects and works very well.

"Many brands of expensive skins contain urea, which is excreted in the urine, and so I have a very expensive product for free."

Recalling her health before drinking urine, she said: "I was sick most of the time and life seemed very difficult.

The yoga teacher revealed that she feels better than ever after starting to drink her own pipette every morning, as well as exfoliating and moisturizing her face with it.

The yoga teacher revealed that she feels better than ever after starting to drink her own pipette every morning, as well as exfoliating and moisturizing her face with it.

Two years ago, Kayleigh, who runs an educational business and teaches yoga, discovered urine therapy, where people drink their own pee for health reasons.

Two years ago, Kayleigh, who runs an educational business and teaches yoga, discovered urine therapy, where people drink their own pee for health reasons.

"If someone gets sick around me, my immune system would be so weak that I would get sick too."

She added, "It was so exhausting. If I had an intense activity, I would be in bed for a week and life would become really miserable.

Two years ago, Kayleigh, who runs an educational business and teaches yoga, discovered urine therapy, where people drink their own pee for health reasons.

"I was studying natural healing and medicine and I was fascinated by the success that other people shared about it," she said.

Kayleigh says her improved health in the few days following the start of her new diet - which includes a raw, vegan diet and regular yoga - is proof that the diet works

Kayleigh says her improved health in the few days following the start of her new diet – which includes a raw, vegan diet and regular yoga – is proof that the diet works

Kayleigh, seen with her husband, Tristan, 39, cartoonist on vacation, says that he's not a convert but supports his choice to drink his own urine

Kayleigh, seen with her husband, Tristan, 39, cartoonist on vacation, says that he's not a convert but supports his choice to drink his own urine

"I had made a long trip, trying to improve my health. I've changed my diet and lifestyle, trying to introduce more holistic things and not taking any pharmaceutical drugs.

Should you drink your own urine?

The urine is composed of about 95% water and 5% nutrients, including calcium and iron.

Fans of "urotherapy," a term used to describe drinking one's own pee, include Madonna.

In 1945, John W. Armstrong, a British naturopath, published a book claiming that urine consumption could cure all major diseases, but there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

According to Aisling Pigott, dietitian and spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association, urine contains toxins expelled from the body and kidneys, and their consumption could be harmful and cause infections.

However, Shona Wilkinson, head nutritionist for NutriCentre, says the urine is not toxic and that it's sterile because it has been filtered twice, once by the liver and again through kidneys.

Followers claim that it cures diseases when it is ingested and acne when it is used topically because of its "disinfecting" properties and that it has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines.

Sources: Healthline.com; Marie Claire

"I've heard that urine can reset the immune system, promote overall good health and is beneficial to the skin.

"It's also an ancient yoga technique, so I thought I'd try it."

Now, Kayleigh pee in a glass of water every morning and drinks the middle of the urine, throwing the first and the last part of the stream because she says that it can contain toxins and toxins. sediments.

She explained, "The morning drink contains the most hormones and nutrients.

"It does not have much taste. It's a bit salty and you can taste minerals, but as I'm eating vegan, it's not strong.

"I have never been horrified at the thought of drinking it and my friends and family accept what I am doing. We are conditioned to think that drinking urine is impure, but it's just a sterile filtration of the blood.

And Kayleigh says her improved health a few days after the start of her new diet – which includes a raw, vegan diet and regular yoga – is proof that the diet works.

"I had extreme energy, it was amazing," she said.

"The urine works very well to clean your skin if you have hormonal problems. So I use it as a moisturizer, just putting on a cotton and putting it on my skin before jumping in the shower. It moisturizes and helps exfoliate too.

By stopping taking medications in favor of natural cures, Kayleigh also believes in researching the cause of the diseases and says that the urine therapy is its cure

By stopping taking medications in favor of natural cures, Kayleigh also believes in researching the cause of the diseases and says that the urine therapy is its cure

Although her husband is not converted to urine therapy, Kayleigh says he supports his choice.

"We are exposed to so many external environmental toxins, if you have health problems, it is trying to find a more natural health to improve it," she said .

"Now, I need less sleep and wake up naturally at 5 in the morning without an alarm. A combination of my diet and my yoga practice, as well as the daily consumption of urine, helped to heal me.

By ceasing to take medicine for natural remedies, Kayleigh also believes in finding the cause of the diseases.

Kayleigh pee in a glass of water every morning and drinks in the middle of the urine, rejecting the first and last part of the stream because it can contain toxins and sediment.

Kayleigh pee in a glass of water every morning and drinks in the middle of the urine, rejecting the first and last part of the stream because it can contain toxins and sediment.

She said, "We have an epidemic of treating the symptoms, not the cause. I have tried to look at my body as a whole, to see what is missing and what is missing because of nutritional deficiencies. This means that I can then start treating it a bit more globally.

"If I did not opt ​​for healing with different therapies, I would be able to take more medicine. There is a lot of misinformation out there, but you will not know if drinking urine will help until you try it.

But Aisling Pigott, dietitian and spokesman for the British Dietetic Association, does not agree.

She said, "There is no evidence or advice that would encourage anyone to drink his own urine. The body, especially the kidneys, does an effective job of removing toxins and excreting urine.

"Therefore, drinking again is not beneficial, could potentially be harmful and could cause an infection."

While Kayleigh (seen on vacation) says that drinking her own urine has improved her health and given her more energy than ever, health expert Aisling Pigott says it could be dangerous

While Kayleigh (seen on vacation) says that drinking her own urine has improved her health and given her more energy than ever, health expert Aisling Pigott says it could be dangerous

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