Women with pain after birth are at greater risk of postpartum depression: study – Xinhua


SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) – Women suffering from postpartum pain are more likely to develop postpartum depression, a new study said Sunday.

The latest research results, which were revealed at an annual meeting of the American Society of Anaesthesiologists (ASA) held in central San Francisco on October 13 and 17, differentiate for the first time the pain Postpartum pain related to labor and delivery and identify as the main culprit of postpartum depression.

The study, led by Jie Zhou, its lead author and assistant professor of anesthesia at Brigham and Women's Hospital and at Harvard Medical School in Boston, analyzed in detail the specific part of the work process and has concluded that postpartum depression was more likely related. to pain after delivery, instead of before or during delivery.

"For many years, we have been concerned about how to handle the pain of work, but the pain of recovery after work and delivery is often overlooked," Zhou said.

Zhou's research team examined pain scores calculated between the beginning of work and discharge from the hospital for 4,327 new mothers who gave birth to a single child, vaginally or by Caesarean section, at the Brigham and Women's Hospital between June 1, 2015 and December. March 31, 2017.

They found that postpartum depression was significantly related to higher postpartum pain scores, particularly among women who delivered by caesarean section.

About one in nine women with postpartum depression often had symptoms of extreme sadness, lack of energy, anxiety, episodes of crying, irritability, and changes in their mood. sleep or eating habits, statistics from US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Zhou's study indicates that postpartum depression occurs more often in overweight or obese women, suffering from perineal tear, having a history of depression, anxiety or chronic pain, or having a state of health less healthy in their newborn.

"Our research suggests that we need to focus more on helping new mothers to manage the pain after the baby is born," said Zhou, stressing the importance of managing pain during healing.

Founded in 1905, ASA is an educational, scientific and research society with more than 52,000 members committed to maintaining the standards of medical practice in anesthesiology.

The current annual conference, ANESTHESIOLOGY® 2018!, Is an event aimed at bringing research and technology closer to patient care, while facilitating face-to-face collaboration with more than 14,000 peers, opinion leaders and providers anesthesia from more than 80 countries, said the site of the meeting.

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