World Anti-Doping Agency Restores Russia amid a wave of protests


VICTORIA, Seychelles – The World Anti-Doping Agency reinstated Russia on Thursday despite a wave of protests, ending the almost three-year suspension of the national drug testing program through a doping program sponsored by the state.

The decision of the AMA after a vote of its 12-member executive committee was described as "greater treason against clean athletes in Olympic history" by the launcher's lawyer. alert that helped to discover the cheating of Russia.

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AMA has decided to return to Russia after having retreated on two essential conditions for its reinstatement: that Russia accept a report concluding the State's participation in doping and concealment and that Russia grant access to evidence stored in his discredited Moscow laboratory.

In announcing its decision to find the Russian Anti-Doping Agency in compliance, WADA said it would be "subject to strict conditions". There is now a "clear timetable" for Russia to grant AMA access to samples stored in its Moscow laboratory, said AMA President Craig Reedie, but none date has been announced.

There was no talk of Russia publicly accepting a state-sponsored plot to help its athletes win Olympic medals through doping.

Reedie said that a majority of the executive committee had voted to reinstate Russia but did not say what was the count of votes.

Signs that WADA had suddenly softened its stance towards Russia came in last week when one of its major committees suddenly changed direction and surprisingly recommended Russia's reinstatement. This has led to harsh criticism from anti-doping figures – some from AMA itself – and athletes from around the world opposed to Russia's reintegration.

Reedie's vice president at WADA, Norwegian politician Linda Helleland, said she would not vote for her reinstatement.

The Russian Anti-Doping Agency was suspended in November 2015 after the revelation of the doping scandal, which aimed to help Russian athletes win medals at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi.

Last May, WADA and Russia still seemed deadlocked as the country did not accept these two essential conditions.

Some said that the agency, and tacitly the International Olympic Committee, wanted to relocate suddenly to appease a sports superpower that would not admit its wrongdoing. The WADA board of directors that decided to reinstate Russia is composed of six members of the Olympic Movement and six members of the government authorities.

"The US is wasting its money by continuing to fund the AMA, which is clearly powerless to fight doping sponsored by the Russian state," said the launcher 's attorney. alert and former director of the Moscow laboratory, Grigory Rodchenkov.

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