World Day of Stroke: Signs, Causes and Treatment of Disease | aptitude


A stroke (stroke) refers to a lack of blood supply in certain parts of the brain, which causes brain cell death or causes considerable damage. This can affect mobility and speech, among other things. Strokes are responsible for more deaths each year than those attributed to AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, yet this epidemic remains silent (Source: World Stroke Campaign). October 29 marks World Stroke Day, which aims to raise public awareness of the disease. Here's all you need to know about this:

* One of the key factors that minimize damage is early detection. Pay attention to some signs that indicate a potential stroke: Is one side falling? Are the arms on one side weaker than the other? Is the speech blurred or blurred? If you notice any of these signs, immediately contact a medical expert.

* Strokes are treatable if they are detected in time. If you consider it an emergency and you head to the Stroke Management Unit, the damage caused by stroke can be minimized.

* The usual form of treatment includes anti-clot medications that break blood clots. If given earlier, it shows greater benefits. Another treatment involves removing the clot to improve the survival rate and reduce disability if the stroke is caused by artery blockage.

* Do not forget that there is a greater chance that another stroke will occur among survivors (one in four is likely to suffer from another stroke). Treatments to prevent another stroke will include medications to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, antiplatelet therapy, anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation, and surgery or stenting.

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First publication: October 29, 2018 10:40 IST

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