World Obesity Day: 6 reasons for not losing weight


Anyone who has ever been on a diet will know how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off.

More than a quarter of British adults are obese and it is estimated that about 65% of women and 44% of men are trying to lose weight each year. Yet most – up to 80% – fail.

To mark World Obesity Day, which aims to promote practical ways to end the global obesity crisis, experts from the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF) have described 6 different behaviors that could prevent weight loss or increase the chances of your weight.

1. Eat too much at night

Circadian body rhythms – fluctuations in physiological functions throughout the day – play an important role in the regulation of metabolism.

Many of these rhythms peak in the morning, suggesting that the body is better able to digest and metabolize foods earlier in the day.

Therefore, if you eat more at night, you will lose less weight than if you ate earlier. Dr. Leonie Ruddick Collins, a researcher at the University of Aberdeen, said, "In a society where most of our energy consumption is consumed in the evening, setting up appropriate meal times is a challenge to raise.

2. Do not get enough sleep

"Lack of sleep is an important factor related to weight gain," says Dr. Wendy Hall, a nutrition science reader at King's College London.

In addition to making snacking or eating late at night more likely, a short night's sleep is associated with reduced consumption of fruits and vegetables and increased consumption of free sugars. Studies suggest sleeping longer could help keep weight, although Hall says more research is needed.

3. No support


According to Katy Sutcliffe, Associate Professor at University College London, supportive relationships can have a huge impact on people's motivation and success in weight loss.

So if you go alone, without the support of parents, friends or participants in a slimming class, you will have less chance of succeeding in your weight loss goals.

"Relationships should be seen as an essential first step in a weight management process, as they provide an external motivator, essential, for people to successfully engage in weight management programs," he said. Sutcliffe.

Support in a slimming class encourages people to attend and also helps them to start and follow a healthy diet and exercise.

"It's because of these initial experiences that people are motivated to be healthy, which is fundamental for long-term weight maintenance," says Sutcliffe.

4. You limit calories every day

To fast or not to fast? Comparisons of the metabolic effects of different types of diets revealed that those with caloric restrictions at times may be preferable for weight loss.

Dr. Adam Collins, senior nutrition professor at the University of Surrey, found that intermittent energy restriction diets (fasts on certain days, like the 5: 2 diet) and time-restricted diets (eat only in periods of less than 12 hours). can provide an easier approach to weight loss than conventional diets that require reduced calorie intake each day and may have favorable metabolic benefits.

However, Collins warns that despite potentially better management of dietary fat, it has been proven that fasting diets can lead to decreased glucose response. Further research is needed.

5. You ignore your emotions

Weight loss leads to physiological and behavioral changes that can lead to people gaining weight, says Professor James Stubbs, an appetite and energy balance specialist at the University of Leeds.

According to him, 80% of weight loss attempts lead to weight gain, due in large part to an increase in diet rather than a reduction in physical activity.

Bulimia binge eating is relatively common among people with weight problems and negative emotions, sometimes motivated by weight discrimination, can promote comfort, which is an obstacle to weight loss and maintenance of weight. long-term weight loss.

6. You followed a diet that worked for someone else

Evidence suggests that programs focusing on total food replacements are the most effective, says George Thom, an associate researcher at the University of Glasgow, but points out: "People's preferences vary and there is no such thing as universal approach for all. it's about weight management. "

He says that people who want to lose weight should be encouraged to try evidence-based diets, but it may be more important that they have a support network around them at the beginning.

"We tend to get people to make dietary changes for life, but we have few habits to adopt and keep them forever," he said. "Most things are done in phases and weight management is a little bit the same for some people. We need to maximize weight loss when we can and minimize weight gain when priorities are elsewhere. "

Ayela Spiro, Head of Nutrition Science at BNF, added, "It's clear that different weight loss strategies can work for different people, but finding effective strategies for the long-term sustainability of weight loss remains the major challenge.

"More and more evidence is pointing to the complexity of factors that can influence effective weight management, showing that it's not just what we eat that's important, but how and when we eat. "


– Press Association

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