World War III: the United States successfully tests a missile defense system capable of stopping a North Korean nuclear bomb | World | New


The US Navy and the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) fired a USS John Finn missile into the Pacific on Oct. 26, which intercepted a medium-range ballistic missile target launched from a Hawaii facility.

The new SM-3 Block IIA is being developed by Raytheon Company and Japan's Mitsubishi Heavy Industry to become part of the AEGIS ballistic missile defense system.

AEGIS is part of the naval component of the US ballistic missile defense system, which is run by both the Navy and the MDA.

According to Reuters, this was the second successful test for the SM-3 and allowed the MDA to feel more confident that previous design flaws were corrected.

MDA General Manager Sam Greaves congratulated the team who worked on the system and the recent results.

He said: "It was a remarkable achievement and a key step in the flight back of the SM-3 Block IIA.

"My congratulations to the entire team, including our sailors, industry partners and allies, who helped to achieve this milestone."

President of the Alliance for the Defense of Missile Forces, Riki Ellison, said that this latest success meant that the defense system could eventually be sent to Poland.

If it were to be deployed in Poland, it would then be part of an American defense network intended to deter possible attacks from Iran.

However, Russia threatened to react if this system was brought near their borders.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in 2012 that the missile defense system "fueled a new arms race" and that it was built "on ridiculous pretexts" to protect against a non-existent threat.

Tensions between Russia and Western countries have increased since NATO decided to hold its biggest military exercise for years in Norway.

In response, Russia organized its own real missile exercises earlier this month.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said they had been informed in advance of the exercises and that he was confident that Russia would behave professionally.

The United States has also threatened to withdraw from a missile treaty with Russia, a decision that has resulted in new threats from the former Soviet country.

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