Free flu shots were available at 1 Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, Thursday from 4pm to 8pm. The free vaccines were administered just two days after learning that a North Bergen girl had died from the flu. Thursday, February 15, 2018

Worried about the upcoming flu season? Here are some ways to stay healthy in the coming months.

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued recommendations on the best way to avoid catching the flu once the season starts this month. During the flu season last year, 80,000 Americans died, including 180 children – 80% of whom were unvaccinated – according to the CDC.

Get the shot early

Make sure you get the flu shot before the end of October if you want to be perfectly prepared for the upcoming season. According to Dr. David Cennimo, Assistant Professor of Infectious Diseases Medicine-Pediatrics at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, the influenza season can go from October to May, with peak activity from December to February.

Nasal fog is available, although needles are preferred

FluMist, which can be given to people aged 2 to 49, contains a live virus and is effective if administered properly, said Tanaya Bhowmick, a physician at Rutgers School of Medicine Robert Wood Johnson. However, needle injection remains the preferred mode of administration of the vaccine.

Stay away from others if you catch the flu

It is important to stay home 24 hours after the end of the fever without medical intervention, Cennimo said. Covering your nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing, washing your hands after using a tissue and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth are all important ways to prevent the illness. does not spread further, Cennimo said.

Being vaccinated against influenza also protects others

Sometimes people can get the flu but have no symptoms, said Bhowmick. Without knowing it, these people may endanger vulnerable populations, including the elderly, children, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and people living with HIV.

You can still catch the flu, but it will not be as bad

A variant of the H3N2 Influenza A strain and Influenza B strain is included in this year's influenza vaccines to better match the circulating strains this year, Cennimo said. You may contract another strain, but symptoms such as fever and body aches will not be as severe.

Last year, the vaccine strain match was "a good match, but not great," Cennimo said. The influenza vaccine was 40% effective against influenza A and B during the 2017-2018 flu, Cennimo said.

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