WWE Crown Jewel: Why Brock Lesnar Destroys Braun Strowman in Saudi Arabia | WWE | sport


Strowman suffered a sneak attack from Baron Corbin, Acting RAW General Manager, who scored the challenger behind the head with the championship belt before the start of the match.

The Monster Among Men then produced no offense and Lesnar destroyed it with five F5s, including one on the edge of the ring, to become the first double world champion.

Many fans were unhappy with the way the match had unfolded while they thought that the former RAW team champion was a match victim. squash.

according to Ringside NewsHowever, the editor and editor of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter Dave Meltzer says the goal of the match was to allow the winner of the Greatest Royal Rumble not to rack up an offense while managing to survive four F5s.


In this way, the conclusion of the fight causes people to wonder what would have happened if Corbin had never been involved and if Strowman was not eliminated before the fight.

If the former holder of Money in the Bank was able to perform certain steps, he would look weaker after his loss because Lesnar would have survived his offense.

Meltzer, however, claims that WWE advertisers have not managed to pass this theme, which has left fans with a bad idea.

He said: "So this is the story they wanted to tell: Baron Corbin hit Strowman on the back of the head with the belt and Lesnar gave him F5 after F5 – over the top ropes – then finally with the fifth F5, you know it. was pinned.

"So, the story was that [Strowman] before the match started and the Lesnar F5 could not beat him, no matter how many times he had done it, he needed the same amount to beat him.

"Most people have seen this as follows:" What is the f ** k? It was a squash match, why was not he offended? "

"The idea was that he was not offended – that was the mentality because they thought that if he was offended, it would weaken him because he was not happy. he was beaten.

"The idea was not that he was beaten or crushed; he wanted to survive all the way to F5 until it was too heavy and he had to wear one over the top rope and the ground, which was crazy because it did not move too well before the start of the match.

"Because when you walk on the ramp, the two remarkable things are that it moves very slowly, you can see that it has knee problems, although it has nothing to do, it will fight for this tour and all that, but I can see that.

"The other is that you can see he will not win the championship. He was everywhere on his face when he came down.

"The idea was again, he did not offend Brock because if he would have been offended, the story is:" What if it was a fair fight and offended Brock? "

"I think a lot of people who were watching this movie did not understand this story, which is not your fault, because I did not understand it either, until the story was told to me. the end.

"So, the fact is that advertisers have not told this story, and it's up to them because it's up to them to make the match end."

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