WWE HIAC: Alexa Bliss Ronda Rousey (RAW Women's Title Match)


RAW Women's Title Match: Alexa Bliss vs. Ronda Rousey

We go to the ring and Alexa Bliss goes out with Mickie James and Alicia Fox. RAW Women's Champion Ronda Rousey is second with Natalya. We receive official JoJo presentations.

The bell rings and we undress early. Bliss goes early for the injured ribs, but Rousey's counters. Rousey with a quick spit attempt. Rousey with more attack and another quick attempt. They lock up again and go to the ropes. Bliss shows up in Rousey's face but drops with a jab. Bliss takes Rousey to the corner and jumps to the ribs. Rousey drops Bliss and rides her. Rousey fetches the armband but is distracted by Mickie and Alicia getting on the apron.

Rousey retains control and teases the armband again but is distracted. Rousey has words with Fox and James at the edge of the ring now. Rousey throws Bliss and brings her back to the ring. Rousey mocks Bliss. Bliss charges but Rousey moves and Bliss lands on his friends at the edge of the track. All three go down. Rousey brings Bliss back into the ring, but Bliss pushes her away. Bliss is now working on the injured ribs. Bliss with a count of 2. Bliss pushes Rousey into the corner and hits a shot. Bliss with a stiff kick to the ribs. Fox and James applaud as the referee checks Rousey.

Bliss pulls Rousey down and does an abdominal stretch while Rousey sells his rib wound. Bliss tightens the hold while Mickie mocks Rousey from the outside. The fans start to rally Rousey. Rousey pounces and bombs Bliss on his shoulders. It looks like Rousey's ribs release her as Bliss drops her. Bliss with more offense and a count of 2. Bliss with another stretch on the mat now that Rousey is screaming in pain. Natalya is trying to rally fans for her. Bliss brings Rousey back to the curtains. Bliss with more kicks in the corner. Bliss goes to the top but Rousey cuts it and goes up. They now tangled on the top. Bliss counters and slide down. Rousey with a right hand to stop the powerbomb attempt. Rousey is flipped into the corner and Bliss pulls her into the ribs for a count of 2.

Bliss brings Rousey back with a bid to focus on the ribs. Bliss stops another attempt to return with a dropkick in the basement. Bliss throws Rousey face first into the bottom stretcher and wraps her ribs around the stake, forcing her to scream in pain. Fox and James involve but Natalya has enough. Natalya throws Fox on the floor. Mickie is on the apron with Rousey's hair in her fist now. Rousey fights her as Natalya arrives. Bliss and Rousey collide in the middle of the ring with crossbody attempts. They both fall but Rousey sells the injury to the coast. The referee counts. Bliss gets up first. Rousey against an attempt at suplex and throws Bliss for 2. They exchange spit attempts and knock again. Bliss with more forearms and trash while Rousey is down, taunting her in the face.

Rousey starts and screams at Bliss on his face. Rousey with the powerbomb gutwrench of nowhere. Rousey slams her ribs to do good. Rousey with Bliss shots in the corner. Rousey charges but runs into a boot at the ribs. Rousey blocks a blow and picks up Bliss on his shoulders. Rousey leads Bliss into the carpet and launches into the armband as the fans pop up. Rousey locks her up and Bliss hurries into the race.

Winner: Ronda Rousey

After the match, Rousey stands up to the title as Natalya joins her for the celebration. We go to replays. Bliss, James and Fox watch the scene while Rousey and Natalya celebrate.

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