WWE Jim Ross unveils brutal facial injury due to falling concrete


Jim Ross is no stranger to taking bumps, but his last can be one of the most brutal.

The legendary wrestling commentator shared a selfie on Twitter, but it was far from scenic. Ross has several cuts and scratches on the left side of his face and his eye is incredibly swollen and purple. This injury is not due to a wrestling match, however, as it appears that he fell and injured himself on concrete.

"I had a big bump last night." The concrete went out. I always go to @OU_Football tonight. #BoomerSooner "

Even the biggest legends of the game can not compete when the opponent is concrete, but that does not stop Ross from going to the game.

Ross is still under contract with WWE for a few more months and he had the opportunity to comment on the Undertaker's match at WrestleMania 3 not so long ago, where he shared a moving moment with the iconic wrestler.

"Yes, I did," Ross told A.V. Club. "And I had discussions with him before, he used a camping vehicle as a dressing area. in his RV when I arrived hours before we went. So we had a very good personal conversation. We have been united for a very long time, even at the time of the WCW. I helped him enter the WCW through the World Class Wrestling Championship. I thought that at the time, we did not see too many 6'9 "guys weighing 300 pounds who were athletic. Young Mark Calaway was an athletic beast. So we had a nice conversation. [And after the match], a big hug after. I cried, he did not want to cry, even if he had maybe had a tear. It was very emotional for him afterwards and I did not want to monopolize his time. Of course it was not about me, it was about him. What it has helped me achieve, it is the greatest honor that I have received in wrestling. I've been in three Halls Of Fame, and they are pale compared to a legendary guy who wants me back, whether I'm under contract or not, to be part of the broadcast team, so I can add to his soundtrack of this match. It was a very emotional day. "

We wish Ross a speedy recovery and hope to see him again soon on WWE television.

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